Updated Team Jersey Numbers - Spring 2023

Paulie Walnuts Summer GIF by Sky
I almost didn’t check out the thread because of the title, “New Jersey numbers”.
I’m like, who gives a rats &$$ about New Jersey.
Mods should edit to “Updated Jersey Numbers”.
But thanks for the work. 👍🏾
Yeah. Eff Jersey.

But I heard cost of living is mad cheap in Jersey City and they cleaned that city up.
I almost didn’t check out the thread because of the title, “New Jersey numbers”.
I’m like, who gives a rats &$$ about New Jersey.
Mods should edit to “Updated Jersey Numbers”.
But thanks for the work. 👍🏾
Lol. A Maude started the thread.

I’ll see why I can do.
How did Malik Bryant get 24? Lol I don’t get how prime numbers like that don’t get snatched up immediately.
24, 21, 20, 22… if you’re a RB or CB idk how you don’t take one of those as soon as possible let alone letting a frosh Lb get it.
How did Malik Bryant get 24? Lol I don’t get how prime numbers like that don’t get snatched up immediately.
24, 21, 20, 22… if you’re a RB or CB idk how you don’t take one of those as soon as possible let alone letting a frosh Lb get it.

A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself.

5, 7, 21, 23, 25, 55, 91, 95, 97, 99.... A grand total of like 10 odd numbers are decent. The other 40? trash.

Theres a reason like 98% of people don't leave their volume on an odd number. ... We should just eliminate them.

I am a total weirdo on volume numbers too. But it's not odd vs even and you make up your statistics!

I am down with 5, 10, 12 (dozen), 15, 20, 21 (blackjack!), 23 (sports # I like), 25, 30, 35... etc for volume.
lol thats not what I meant by prime. In fact most literal prime numbers outside single digits are garbage. Mostly cause other than 2, they're all odd. And everyone knows odd numbers suck.
13, 17, 19, 31, 37, 47, 59, 83 and 89 are great numbers