UM-Louisville 2019 vs 2020


Dec 4, 2018
Okay, so I think most of us are happy and excited with what we saw vs Louisville on Saturday.

What I'm curious about is what were some things that make you feel like we've turned the corner vs last year?
Remember, last year we went 6-7 but beat Louisville 52-27, and Jarren "headcase" Williams had a Heisman like performance. So our 47-34 win doesn't "look" as good on paper. We allowed 500+ yards in this game.

All of that, yet it seems like we were always in control or could always turn it up another gear or something. Strange. I watched the game 2x but am still having trouble pointing a finger at exactly what makes this team night and day better. I guess It was only game 2 and there's (potentially) a lot of football left to play. Obviously the kicking game is 1,000x better. OL play appears better, but may just be due to scheme (irrelevant really). But what is it? Am I just homer-ing? This year just feels different.

yadda yadda, yeah we need to watch the rest of the season unfold first, but I'm still curious. Thoughts?
Okay, so I think most of us are happy and excited with what we saw vs Louisville on Saturday.

What I'm curious about is what were some things that make you feel like we've turned the corner vs last year?
Remember, last year we went 6-7 but beat Louisville 52-27, and Jarren "headcase" Williams had a Heisman like performance. So our 47-34 win doesn't "look" as good on paper. We allowed 500+ yards in this game.

All of that, yet it seems like we were always in control or could always turn it up another gear or something. Strange. I watched the game 2x but am still having trouble pointing a finger at exactly what makes this team night and day better. I guess It was only game 2 and there's (potentially) a lot of football left to play. Obviously the kicking game is 1,000x better. OL play appears better, but may just be due to scheme (irrelevant really). But what is it? Am I just homer-ing? This year just feels different.

yadda yadda, yeah we need to watch the rest of the season unfold first, but I'm still curious. Thoughts?
There are some obvious things.

1) The OL while still not great is playing much better so far. Part of that is scheme/coaching. Other part is that both tackles are so much better than last year.

2) An offensive scheme that makes sense.. We're not playing in a phone booth and trying to get big plays over the top from long, slow play action whether or not we've established a running game or not.

3) Duh.. QB. Not only is King obviously exponentially better than last year's QBs, his athleticism and running ability is garnering so much attention. You think that wide open wheel play to Knighting works with Jarren? L'ville seemed determined to stop King beating them with his legs if nothing else. And they stopped nothing else. Eventually teams will have to respect him as a passer, then you have the running lanes. Dammed if you do...

4) WE HAVE A G*D D*MN KICKER. And not just a competent one. We have a weapon. I thought Diaz was nuts trying a 57 yarder.. then.. :eek:
And I'm already starting to take for granted that XPs and FGs under 40 as money. Couldn't do that last year. ****, people forget, but even last year's ckusterf*ck is at least an 8 win team with competent placekicking.
Okay, so I think most of us are happy and excited with what we saw vs Louisville on Saturday.

What I'm curious about is what were some things that make you feel like we've turned the corner vs last year?
Remember, last year we went 6-7 but beat Louisville 52-27, and Jarren "headcase" Williams had a Heisman like performance. So our 47-34 win doesn't "look" as good on paper. We allowed 500+ yards in this game.

All of that, yet it seems like we were always in control or could always turn it up another gear or something. Strange. I watched the game 2x but am still having trouble pointing a finger at exactly what makes this team night and day better. I guess It was only game 2 and there's (potentially) a lot of football left to play. Obviously the kicking game is 1,000x better. OL play appears better, but may just be due to scheme (irrelevant really). But what is it? Am I just homer-ing? This year just feels different.

yadda yadda, yeah we need to watch the rest of the season unfold first, but I'm still curious. Thoughts?
I'd absolutely thought last year's game was us turning the corner. Whoops.

It's why I'm still a bit cautious for this team. But I will say that we've have two games in a row of improved offense. Last year everything just seemed so haphazard - even when we were putting points on the board.
The thing is the game is about matchups, last year as bad as Enos was his RPO game match perfectly with what the D corch at UL gave him. Lashlee in his interview today seemed dam near perplexed why a corch would go cover 0 in regular down situations. We ate soo much last year on RPO/playaction plays..

I do expect other teams to load the box and aggressively try to take away the run but very few have personnel to execute that or game (FSU, Clemson, Pitt all can).. We need our WR to get it together..

Plus reps will get our oline better, I have seen multiple times in both games we cant even block a hat on hat on simple counter play, hopefully they get better with that because that should be a big piece of what Lashlee does..

King is qb, offense is building real confidence in system, Special teams overall is much stronger and would of probably won us the majority of our losses last year as we had many one score games..
I think we looked better against Louisville last year. Besides the kicker, I don't think we looked better at any position compared exclusively to last year's Louisville game. :noidea:
We’re excited this year because of the new offense. I’m sure everyone was glad for Headcase’s 6 TD performance but deep inside we were waiting for the eventual implosion. No honest fan thought Miami had turned the corner.

In other words, 2019 was about how Louisville played. 2020 is about how Miami played.
in 2019 UL was the 10th game of the season, unranked, against a Hurricane team that had lost 3 games already and was averaging less than 30 points a game prior to UL

in 2020, UL was the 2nd game, on the road, UL was ranked 18th, and the Canes have no losses averaging 36 points per game.

you choose which one you like better????
Okay, so I think most of us are happy and excited with what we saw vs Louisville on Saturday.

What I'm curious about is what were some things that make you feel like we've turned the corner vs last year?
Remember, last year we went 6-7 but beat Louisville 52-27, and Jarren "headcase" Williams had a Heisman like performance. So our 47-34 win doesn't "look" as good on paper. We allowed 500+ yards in this game.

All of that, yet it seems like we were always in control or could always turn it up another gear or something. Strange. I watched the game 2x but am still having trouble pointing a finger at exactly what makes this team night and day better. I guess It was only game 2 and there's (potentially) a lot of football left to play. Obviously the kicking game is 1,000x better. OL play appears better, but may just be due to scheme (irrelevant really). But what is it? Am I just homer-ing? This year just feels different.

yadda yadda, yeah we need to watch the rest of the season unfold first, but I'm still curious. Thoughts?
Leadership from the QB.
Jeff Thomas and Trajan Bandy would've been the difference makers in this game. Louisville ain't scoring no more than 24 pts and we would've drop 60 on them.
Okay, so I think most of us are happy and excited with what we saw vs Louisville on Saturday.

What I'm curious about is what were some things that make you feel like we've turned the corner vs last year?
Remember, last year we went 6-7 but beat Louisville 52-27, and Jarren "headcase" Williams had a Heisman like performance. So our 47-34 win doesn't "look" as good on paper. We allowed 500+ yards in this game.

All of that, yet it seems like we were always in control or could always turn it up another gear or something. Strange. I watched the game 2x but am still having trouble pointing a finger at exactly what makes this team night and day better. I guess It was only game 2 and there's (potentially) a lot of football left to play. Obviously the kicking game is 1,000x better. OL play appears better, but may just be due to scheme (irrelevant really). But what is it? Am I just homer-ing? This year just feels different.

yadda yadda, yeah we need to watch the rest of the season unfold first, but I'm still curious. Thoughts?
You said it in your second paragraph ("headcase"). Jarren Williams, in the FSU and Louisville games, played as good as any of the top tier QBs in the country during that two week stretch. What makes me confident this year is that I cant fathom D King picking and choosing which week he will take seriously and which week he will act like a frat boy with no responsibilities.......oh yeah, we also went from the outhouse to the penthouse in our kicking game.
It’s a good question honestly, but we also have to remember that we are just getting this offense implemented with no spring and the 2nd game of the season.

Last year vs UL certainly seems like an anomaly as we scored 30 twice all last season. We already have that this year through 2 games with 39 ppg.

Also feel like everything went right for us offensively against them last year whil this year we were a bit sloppy and still managed 47 points. A few less drops and penalties and we could have put up 60+.
Louisville is better this year than they were last year. We went on the road and beat a ranked team handily, a game that most people around the country figured we'd lose (see ESPN's FPI rating this game a 73% chance of a UL victory).

Time will tell if this team is any better, but we're definitely trending in the right direction.
When was the last time the Canes went out and blew up a ranked team on the road in prime time?

There’s your answer.
I want to believe that, but part of me also is thinking logically that they were ranked (as we are) as well as given the prime time slot moreso because half of the country isnt playing, not because it was that "big" of a matchup. Still not complaning about the positive news circulating the program, just saying. Back to back primetime games, as well as gameday coming to the gables is a great thing.