UFA list?

no what I’m saying is he had his hoodie on when workouts weren’t ongoing. Everybody else interacting and he had his hoodie on

yes, he did. And during an interview. And didn't he have issues with his first agent?

All this talk about Jeff should have stayed for a year in Lashlee's system is a laugh. It presumes he would change his entire personality/character over night. He didn't want to be in school. He was done. I feel sorry for the kid on some level. He needs a strong figure in his life to help him figure out a path and stick to it. That seems to be missing. Must be a terrible feeling to be so lost.
As much as I hate to say it, new england might be just what thomas needs. Hoping that light flips for him mentally now that a paycheck is on the line
No, he needed to go. A Coach’s nightmare.

I don’t know if he graduated or not, but if not, he should have stayed and got his degree. These kids don’t make it and then turn around and blame the academic institution for not taking care of them properly. Think about the selling point he could have managed for himself if he sticks around and finishes school and turns his football life around. He chose the path of least resistance and the NFL didn’t bite.
Jeff just never took the game and the process serious. Those mistakes will cost him millions and most likely a chance at an NFL roster. When he was locked in and focused, which was rare, he had the look and talent to be a WR2/3 starting WR in the NFL. NE is either the best of the absolute worst case landing spot for him and I'm betting on the latter. I'm rooting for Jeff but previous actions are predicatble and this is probably the last we ever hear from him.