TRob ?


Jun 9, 2016
How do people feel if he took over as DC ?
Excellent recruiter
Past experience at P5 schools
Jelled with the defense the last year

Thoughts ?
Wouldn't want him as DC at this time, but everything imaginable should be done to retain him as DB coach.

Give him a pay bump and a co-DC title similar to how McClendon has been given a co-OC title. You need to do whatever it takes when you're finally playing big boy ball after years of ineptitude and penny pinching.
Yeah because he did so well with out DBs this past year.

Who knows maybe teaching DBs how to play zone is a 2-3 year venture and he is hopefully half way there already.
New title and pay raise bump - I’m cool with especially since it’s not my **** money. However, real responsibility of calling plays? Ehhh..
It’s a shame we’ll likely have some recruiting battles against him for the 2023 ‘cruits but it is what it is.
Yeah because he did so well with out DBs this past year.

Who knows maybe teaching DBs how to play zone is a 2-3 year venture and he is hopefully half way there already.
He was handcuffed by Manny. Go look at how his former dB's performed at his previous stops compared to last year under Manny's scheme. The position coaches have to fall in line with what the coordinators have planned
He was handcuffed by Manny. Go look at how his former dB's performed at his previous stops compared to last year under Manny's scheme. The position coaches have to fall in line with what the coordinators have planned
I said it when he was first hired and downvoted into oblivion. The Gators all complained about TRobs ability to develop DBs when he was there. Great recruiter terrible developer.
Depends on Mario gets. If he settles for an average DC, then sure, keep him. If he hires an established, proven DC, then wish him the best on his way out.
Yeah because he did so well with out DBs this past year.

Who knows maybe teaching DBs how to play zone is a 2-3 year venture and he is hopefully half way there already.
he played a scheme that was horrible.
he had no CB talent other than Stephenson.
he actually coached the safeties while DVD coaches the CBs

i suspect he´ll do better this upcoming year.
Yeah because he did so well with out DBs this past year.

Who knows maybe teaching DBs how to play zone is a 2-3 year venture and he is hopefully half way there already.
This doesn't make any sense because UGA and Bama are after him hard. Both of those schools are known to produce DB's.