Trevor Darling at OG

LT Brown/St.Louis/Odugwu
LG McDermott/St.louis
C Gauthier/Linder
RG Darling/Donaldson
RT Donaldson/Odogwu
If that LSU kid has a pulse, we could see big improvements

not if Linder is at center
I don't believe that.

Problem this board has with our OL is the same one it has with RB. There's inconsistencies all over the place yet everyone wants to take immediate stock after every game. It's just foolish and embarrassing really. Linder was easily better than Gall in the past now everyone thinks the total opposite? That's just nonsensical.
If that LSU kid has a pulse, we could see big improvements

not if Linder is at center
I don't believe that.

Problem this board has with our OL is the same one it has with RB. There's inconsistencies all over the place yet everyone wants to take immediate stock after every game. It's just foolish and embarrassing really. Linder was easily better than Gall in the past now everyone thinks the total opposite? That's just nonsensical.

Gall only played center this year when Linder was pulled. IMHO Linder's decline is a health/strength issue. He was out all off-season, and not able to hit the weights. I really think that affected his game. But Gall was much better at Center than in the past at guard. If Linder can return to form he's a better center, but who knows how healthy he really is.
Best case

LT Brown Herbert T Johnson
LG Darling Slaton
C Gauthier Linder Gaynor
RG McDermott St Louis Dykstra
RT Donaldson Odogwu Hillery