Torrance Gibson pushes back decision again

Tito Benach

Staff Writer
Jun 10, 2012
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we will have our QB way before then.

This is what I'm thinkin too. This Tiano kid, Maybe Wimbush or ole Pembroke Sunshine. Who knows, maybe someone we have no clue to like Rozier last year. Not sure who is in this kids ear that this is a good idea.
Good luck to him. I hope he has solid guidance at home and on his decision. Kid is a first round wide out.
This is the only qb i want, it figures we wont land him. Maybe if we get wimbush **** grow on me, but TG is a gamechanger withh is legs alone.
we will have our QB way before then.

And because of Olsen and Kaaya we can afford to do as we please with the position this year, not gonna lie it is kinda nice. Props to Al and the staff on this particular subject.
This is the only qb i want, it figures we wont land him. Maybe if we get wimbush **** grow on me, but TG is a gamechanger withh is legs alone.

But his lack of accuracy will lead to many INTs, and I've seen how that affects a season(Japicky).

Sorry, but I want our QB to be a passer first and a runner second, who is smart with the football.

We will have too much talent at the WR and TE position for our QB to be running it almost every play.

Wimbush gives you a much better passer with legs and Fitzpatrick.

I'll take him over Gibson any day.
This kid changes his mind every other day. Like I said before, his recruitment will be a circus of epic proportions.
None of you can project what **** be if he goes elsewhere and becomes an tg3 type you same idc haters and people who think these kids should kiss our feet cause we were relevant when they were say 6 years old will cry golden can't close woe is me. Let the game play out if he comes he will be worth it if not at least we didn't let him walk without a fight but dont over analyze this kid just like you people do with Kevin Olsen he's a knuckle head a diva he can't play lol. Message board gospel
I do not know if kid will be a good QB or not. His certain value is that of recruiting. If he waiting until the very end, then that value is diminished greatly. I am much more interested in him as a summer recruit than I am on NSD. I'm guessing staff will take whoever is next on their list and move on.
The "he's a WR" and "the I don't want him anyway" crowds have been way out in front of this one. A few years of Golden has fine tuned their game.