the truth why we take this so hard


Jan 20, 2013
many of us grew up watching a dominant program and during the golden years this board was our
outlet. we found each other, we are a unique fanbase. problem is this board is a good reason for our
grief. in recruiting posters would hear "he comin" and believe kids who werent considering us were on the way.
it happens with players too. We were told perry was a day 1 starter. We have been told kids
are making improvements. Guess what. Perry is still unreliable as a teammate, cager still gets pushed
around by smaller wr's. our OL holderovers barely improve under new staff. Our LB's are VERY overrated
(except Shaq there's no consistency) redwine is still not that good. knowles sucks. Lastly,
no one can tell me that Dean was doing to bama. listen to richt. he constantly says we dont have
enough high level guys and always talks about the freshman when asked about kids.

My point here is this board has caused alot of the heartache because we wanted to believe so bad.
personally, i wanted butch. i thought the 30 for 30 and his return was meant to be but we got richt
and we have to live with it because he is well respected among the staff and older players. Honestly,
the guy is more aggressive than i expected, BUT its clear we are not winning a NC this year. Jarren
is his guy moving forward but he's not ready. However, i gave golden too much rope, Richt aint getting
that from me.