The Sky is not ******* Falling


Jul 5, 2013
There are no moral victories and I'm not going to go rah-rah it up because we gave the ******* game away but **** keep the perspective:

1. No one would have expected a close game had Richt and staff remained around after Wisconsin. We forget how dire the future looked.

2. Online got handled but 1. They played the best O-line we will face until Clemson #92 is going 1-2 round. 2. Jarren Held on to the ball far too long at times. 3. We have to mix up or cadence, Moon and Zungia were timing it perfectly as the game went on.

3. Jarren. Did hold on to the ball too long but he also kept stepping up into the pocket to make plays even after being hit a dozen times. He stood 10 toes down and held his own. ****, he should have thrown the game-winning touchdown to JT4 (he got to make that catch) He will learn to see his check down (a la Osborn on that third down when he was standing right in front of him late in the game). Also, He did not check the plays at all, this will come as he gets comfortable and as Dan Enos schools him in film review; not checking a dive against a double-A blitz, running a toss into a wide9 etc. He will learn and grow

4. 4 for ******* 4 on 4th down. The Gators were perfect on 4 down. Multiple times it led directly to points.

5. The fake punt conversion led directly to a touchdown because our tackling was poor. That must improve and that will improve.

6. The refs were horrible but they always are. That is not going anywhere, we need to beat the opponent and the referees. Having said that. The ******* "Holds" On Cam's run and the fake field goal were both phantom calls and downright horse****.

7. Special teams were horrendous. Not just the fake punt but also us fielding punts multiple punts inside the 10, JT 4 muffing the punt, missed 27-yard field goal.

8. Tackling was unacceptable but it will improve. Stop overacting, it will improve.

9. We made in-game adjustments... I would have done stuff differently like chip the DEs but we adjusted

Look, I hate these cousin ****ers like the rest of you and I hate that these Jorts wearing pricks are going to talk **** for 5 years unless God intervenes and we play them in a bowl but ****, get your panties out of a bunch, drop your sack and realize it is not all doom and gloom.

Stop with the snap judgments.

Oh and **** THE GATORS