Off-Topic The Ohio State University is full of pervs and sexual deviants

Handsome Squidbum

The Strongest Steel is Forged in Dumpster Fires
Nov 29, 2015

"'Everybody knew before you were going into the [examination] room that Doc Strauss was going to touch you,” DiSabato said. “It was like a joke before you went in there.”

Strauss wasn’t the only Ohio State official who showered with the team, DiSabato said. After practice ended at 3:30 p.m., some university professors, administrators and others would show up in the shower stalls just as the athletes were arriving, he said.

It was, DiSabato said, like walking through “the gauntlet of sexual deviancy.”

"'Everybody knew before you were going into the [examination] room that Doc Strauss was going to touch you,” DiSabato said. “It was like a joke before you went in there.”

Strauss wasn’t the only Ohio State official who showered with the team, DiSabato said. After practice ended at 3:30 p.m., some university professors, administrators and others would show up in the shower stalls just as the athletes were arriving, he said.

It was, DiSabato said, like walking through “the gauntlet of sexual deviancy.”

WTF??!! First I've read about others showering.. ******* Jim Jordan had to know something was wrong!!