Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Mario is a hard guy to work with, he got turned down at least 3 times last year and that's with a Heisman contender at QB. We should wait for the announcement though because we freak out lol

Well there's the problem when a coach has the rep of being drill instructor but doesn't quite have all the accolades to back it up (seems a lot of coaches aren't as impressed with winning the Pac 12 as UM fans are) . You saw it with the players as well. Cristobal expects them to run through walls, when all they see is their teammates getting injured and then the team losing to MTSU. They compare their performance under a miserable, grinding regime to Diazs- when they had with relatively easy practices and generally having fun. In the long run is Cristobals approach better? Probably. The challenge is that it's hard to get buy-in unless they know it's going to result in championships or getting drafted (hence the success recruiting OL, and lack of success with WRs).

Same goes with coaches. They tend to put aside massive egos to get micromanaged and worked to death by a coach like Saban because they know it resuscitates careers and they can win. Cristobal has a rep of being a dude who never sleeps and expects the same of his staff. Top names ask themselves, "Is it worth a few extra hundred thousand to be miserable?“ and unfortunately, most say no. Cristobal is going to be the HC for the next 6 or 7 years at least, so let's hope he can have a miracle season like Richt in 2017 and get coaches and players to start buying in.
People need to understand that Cristobal doesn’t want to run the kind of offenses that score a bunch of points.

And I get that sounds crazy. But it isn’t an uncommon mindset.

****, you can go back to the days of Paul Brown, when he started throwing the football. Opposing coaches would say that, “yeah, I could score a bunch if I threw it like he did. But I’d rather lose only scoring X, than win scoring Y, if Y meant I had to throw it.”

Nick Saban has said the same thing. He wants to run the ball, play strong defense, play field position, and win the game 17-14. That’s what he wants at his heart. But he acknowledges he can’t do that anymore, so has to adopt.

Not every coach says, “but…”. Some, like Will Muschamp, say, “and so that’s what I’m going to do.” They would literally rather lose trying to make the game what they want it to be, than adopt and win playing the game how the modern game has to be played.

Mario is not Paul Brown. He’s one of the coaches making fun of Paul Brown.

He should have kept Grabass then cause he went games,not quarters,without scoring any points..
People need to understand that Cristobal doesn’t want to run the kind of offenses that score a bunch of points.

And I get that sounds crazy. But it isn’t an uncommon mindset.

****, you can go back to the days of Paul Brown, when he started throwing the football. Opposing coaches would say that, “yeah, I could score a bunch if I threw it like he did. But I’d rather lose only scoring X, than win scoring Y, if Y meant I had to throw it.”

Nick Saban has said the same thing. He wants to run the ball, play strong defense, play field position, and win the game 17-14. That’s what he wants at his heart. But he acknowledges he can’t do that anymore, so has to adopt.

Not every coach says, “but…”. Some, like Will Muschamp, say, “and so that’s what I’m going to do.” They would literally rather lose trying to make the game what they want it to be, than adopt and win playing the game how the modern game has to be played.

Mario is not Paul Brown. He’s one of the coaches making fun of Paul Brown.
Yep. Mario is the equivalent of the baseball fan who complains about having a lineup that hits too many **** homeruns and wants more guys who know how to bunt.
People need to understand that Cristobal doesn’t want to run the kind of offenses that score a bunch of points.

And I get that sounds crazy. But it isn’t an uncommon mindset.

****, you can go back to the days of Paul Brown, when he started throwing the football. Opposing coaches would say that, “yeah, I could score a bunch if I threw it like he did. But I’d rather lose only scoring X, than win scoring Y, if Y meant I had to throw it.”

Nick Saban has said the same thing. He wants to run the ball, play strong defense, play field position, and win the game 17-14. That’s what he wants at his heart. But he acknowledges he can’t do that anymore, so has to adopt.

Not every coach says, “but…”. Some, like Will Muschamp, say, “and so that’s what I’m going to do.” They would literally rather lose trying to make the game what they want it to be, than adopt and win playing the game how the modern game has to be played.

Mario is not Paul Brown. He’s one of the coaches making fun of Paul Brown.
When I was swimming against the tide on here as he was about to get hired my biggest concern was Mario being more than willing to lose games doing it the "right way" on offense. He would just think to himself "I'll fix it in recruiting" so the scheme I want to run will work. Instead of thinking I'll complement a potent attack with superior talent. A high scoring offense would actually make it easier for him to do what he's best at. Talent acquisition.

If you are right we're right where I didn't want to be.
You didn’t. You responded to someone who did. Totally braindead.
Look dude I like you and think you’re a great poster. I happen to believe there’s value in getting the new offensive playbook in the hands of the players as soon as possible. An opinion I shared privately with other posters in a DM before I ever heard that Flo had said the same thing.

You clearly disagree with that. No problem, doesn’t bother me at all. However, if you’re going to insult me and throw shade at me in other post then you can **** off and EAD.
What an astounding contrast between hiring an OC and DC. Makes absolutely no sense.
We like to say that Mario is a CEO type + recruiter but IMO Mario actually thinks he is an offensive-minded coach. When viewed through that lens it makes sense that he scrutinizes the OC hire more than he does the defense. For better or worse (spoiler alert: for worse) he has a specific idea of what he wants on offense. I think he is more open minded to trying new things on defense.
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