The latest insult

As a coaching staff they have proven many people wrong. Canes were pre-season favs to win the Coastal since 2011. Tired of the persecution complex.
What is this shirt in reference to? Folden has consistently stated that he doesn't listen to outside noise.
When I was taking business courses at USF in the early 80's, we did a motivational case study. Long story short. Japanese auto executives asked why american auto makers used posters and slogans instead of making better automobiles? I would say the same thing to Golden, slogans and t-shirts aren't what good coaches spend their time doing. They recruit, bring in other great coaches, develop talent, implement winning schemes and win 95% of their games. This is further evidence that Golden not realistic to the root of his problems. Fire Al Golden!
When I was taking business courses at USF in the early 80's, we did a motivational case study. Long story short. Japanese auto executives asked why american auto makers used posters and slogans instead of making better automobiles? I would say the same thing to Golden, slogans and t-shirts aren't what good coaches spend their time doing. They recruit, bring in other great coaches, develop talent, implement winning schemes and win 95% of their games. This is further evidence that Golden not realistic to the root of his problems. Fire Al Golden!

Did you say "because fvck the unions!"?
Theres no way you are a fan of Miami and want the kids who decided to come to Miami to fail and lose all their games. If you hate everything that has to do with The U (and its obvious a lot of you do), then by all means, go root for another school. We won't miss you.
Theres no way you are a fan of Miami and want the kids who decided to come to Miami to fail and lose all their games. If you hate everything that has to do with The U (and its obvious a lot of you do), then by all means, go root for another school. We won't miss you.

SLURPER, you want the mediocrity to continue. Theres no way you are a fan of Miami and want the kids who decided to come to Miami to be mired in mediocrity. If you hate everything that has to do with The Former U (and its obvious a lot of you do), then by all means, go root for another school. We won't miss you.
That's a terrible t-shirt... The slogan should be "Sick of Losing"... For anyone to turn this on the fans; the only group of people to have expectations for the team, is ridiculous. You went 6-7. Come on...
That's a terrible t-shirt... The slogan should be "Sick of Losing"... For anyone to turn this on the fans; the only group of people to have expectations for the team, is ridiculous. You went 6-7. Come on...

and changed nothing except cheesy tshirt slogans
Theres no way you are a fan of Miami and want the kids who decided to come to Miami to fail and lose all their games. If you hate everything that has to do with The U (and its obvious a lot of you do), then by all means, go root for another school. We won't miss you.

Ive grappled with this for a couple years now. I absolutely live for Hurricanes football games. We get 12 to 13 of these a year, why would I ever want to spoil that. When game time comes around, Im all about The U.

That said, its become apparent to me that UM's management are the ones to blame, not the coaches. As long as the Canes play .500 ball and continue to collect the ACC revenue sharing checks every year, I don't think they want UM to be any better than .500. Given that, Ive come to understand the mindset of the "Burn it to the ground" crowd. I simply cannot do it myself, but I have stopped chastising that crowd, for they too want the same thing I (we) do - A strong UM football program.

After everything we've seen from the 2014 season, I truly wonder if we wouldn't be better off burning the village in order to save it. What a ****ed position we're in. This is vintage donna ****lala in my opinion. She is a style over substance manager. Now we have neither, which is what always happens when people like her go unchecked.
That's a terrible t-shirt... The slogan should be "Sick of Losing"... For anyone to turn this on the fans; the only group of people to have expectations for the team, is ridiculous. You went 6-7. Come on...

and changed nothing except cheesy tshirt slogans

Us Mopers come under criticism for banners and posts that the SLURPERS claim "change nothing". Here we have another example of the corching staph, and AD, engaging in sloganeering, which also changed nothing. We're powerless fans. They're supposed to be paid professionals.
You root for us to lose or win, we are still gonna lose. It's what we've been doing the last 10 YEARS! some of you are Ok with losing, but real fans are fed up! So if it means one more awful season to get us winning again I'm all for it! Cuzz needs to go by any means necessary!
More nebulous bullschitt is the latest insult. From All Canes:


Should be a coaches only shirt. 6-7 is proof.
This is sad...never in my life have i seen so much ***gotry surronding a football team. Folden straight took the dominance, swag, and fear out of this progam. And for the administration to back this shows either their in on the agenda or giving him enough rope to hang himself.
What's wrong with the shirt? We all believe Folden and Co. to be a putrid staff of numbnuts and dodo brains, but if they did "prove us wrong" and win the ACC we'd all be thrilled! What do you want them to do? Forfeit every game next year? The joke of an admin we have didn't fire them after a wonderful 6-7 season...who cares about a stupid t-shirt! If it motivates the kids and helps us to have a little bit better of a year next year, I'm all for it. We all just want to win and yes it seems inevitable that Folden will be canned next year, but why not try to make the best of this year and get through it by any means necessary?
hey he's here for 1 more year let it play out 6-8 wins and hopefully new President will hire a new AD/HC
why get botherd till then...... the rhetoric has not changed situation so why waste the energy he's in my rearview mirror for me at this point

Totally agree with that shirt.

Here's the group of people that I see being proven wrong over the next 10 months:

Stuart A. Miller
Hilarie Bass
Vice Chair

Richard D. Fain
Vice Chair
Senior Members
Michael I. Abrams
Betty G. Amos
Stanley H. Arkin
Jose P. Bared
Fred Berens
M. Anthony Burns
Charles E. Cobb
Edward A. Dauer
Carlos M. de la Cruz, Sr.
George Feldenkreis
Phillip Frost
Phillip T. George
Thelma V.A. Gibson
Rose Ellen Greene
Arthur H. Hertz
David Kraslow
Arva Parks McCabe
Ronald G. Stone
Robert C. Strauss
Patricia W. Toppel
David R. Weaver
G. Ed Williamson II
Thomas D. Wood
National Members
Nicholas A. Buoniconti
Steven J. Green
Carlos M. Gutierrez
Lois Pope
Alex E. Rodríguez
Regular Members
Leonard Abess
Hilarie Bass
Jon Batchelor
Doyle N. Beneby[SUP]1[/SUP]
Tracey P. Berkowitz
Joaquin F. Blaya
Marc A. Buoniconti
Alfred R. Camner
Wayne E. Chaplin
Paul J. DiMare
Joseph J. Echevarria, Jr.
David L. Epstein
Richard D. Fain
Amy Halpern[SUP]2[/SUP]
Barbara Hecht Havenick
Allan M. Herbert
Marilyn J. Holifield
Manuel Kadre
Bernard J. Kosar
Jayne Sylvester Malfitano
Robert A. Mann
Stuart A. Miller
William L. Morrison
Judi Prokop Newman
Jorge M. Perez
Michael J. Piechoski[SUP]1[/SUP]
Aaron S. Podhurst
Steven J. Saiontz
Laurie S. Silvers
H. T. Smith, Jr
Steven Sonberg
E. Roe Stamps, IV

They've already been proven wrong and inept. They are hoping that their fat, greasy, blind squirrel stumbles on a nut.