The "KKK Football Schools"

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Jan 9, 2019
"I was violated!"

WTF are these players thinking when they decide to go to Bama, LSU, Clemson etc?

***king KKK Country from Gainesville on up!

If you ain't catching a football, you gonna be catching a baton up your *** in hick country!

Manny and coaches should remind every black kid recruit about the truth... you can go play on the plantation of you can come play on South Beach....
Mask Corona GIF by Hari Tahov Shop
Yes, racism only exists in the south. But not too far south like South Florida. Stop reading cnn
Well..idk if CNN perpetuates this false narrative. I think the way we are taught starting in school does that I agree tho. Racism is everywhere. South Florida certainly has its spots all over as well. In the northern states also. Difference is the southern stats openly racist laws and legislation they had on the books for decades that was so’s to us kicking some Hokie hokie *** on sat tho
Bodycams should be mandatory and automatically triggered. Footage should be available upon request in a manageable time frame. First step to building trust
Don't forget to turn yours on first.
...get the popcorn out, facts are about to start a popping... in before the thread is locked..

In 2019, almost 1000 people where shot and killed by the police. This is not taking into account someone firing back etc. We are just gonna use the total 404 White, 250 Black and 163 hispanic, the rest unknown.

The last year the fbi broke down the ethnicity of both the victim and offender was 2016. After that, they bowed down to the race hustlers and stopped reporting that way. So what were the numbers?

2854 White people killed other white people
2570 Black people killed other black people
533 Black people killed white people
243 White people killed black people

..people see racism thru their own version of what they want it to be.
KKK Country starts around Gainesville... goes up to Kentucky and then hangs a left out to Idaho.

If you play football in any those states and you’re black— you better stay on the plantation....cuz if you out cruising off the plantation at night the “officers” will violate you.
OP this is not an insult but are you new to college football? These kids know the south is racist but still go to get the paycheck. Will never change. They know what they’re getting into.
No not all, I agree with you but I think if you are asking transparency from the authorities/public servants then the citizens themselves should be burden with the same responsibility. You can't have it one way and not the other in my eyes.
KKK Country starts around Gainesville... goes up to Kentucky and then hangs a left out to Idaho.

If you play football in any those states and you’re black— you better stay on the plantation....cuz if you out cruising off the plantation at night the “officers” will violate you.
I'm sure you drop n bombs left and right 12 Saturdays a year. I hope you end up on post #2
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