the hate is real

A healthy Richards and fully recovered Cager are going to make this a **** of a lot easier. Both these guys are 100%. At no time last year was that the case. Plus, a Jeff Thomas who is +15 pounds heavier and can no longer be manhandled in the slot is going to help as well.
Having more talent on the field doesn’t mean he can make reads and throws. Do you remember 1999? We had some amazing talent on O, and a QB that couldn’t hit them. Last year was eerily similar. Rosier needs to improve or all that talent will look pretty sad running off the field after another 3 and out.

Here’s hoping he improves, because he needs to in order for the O to get the job done. IF he does, he could go from an afterthought to a Heisman candidate, because of all the talent around him. It’s just his ability to get it to them must improve.
We just have to do our part and win and shove it up the azzes of all the naysayers.

All the preseason projections are just that..a projection...a guess.
Having more talent on the field doesn’t mean he can make reads and throws. Do you remember 1999? We had some amazing talent on O, and a QB that couldn’t hit them. Last year was eerily similar. Rosier needs to improve or all that talent will look pretty sad running off the field after another 3 and out.

Here’s hoping he improves, because he needs to in order for the O to get the job done. IF he does, he could go from an afterthought to a Heisman candidate, because of all the talent around him. It’s just his ability to get it to them must improve.

Not even remotely the same in that Kenny Kelly had zero competition going into the 1999. Steve Kelly had already transferred and Dorsey had just arrived on campus. Nobody on the roster was pushing him in August. It was Dorsey and a walk-on. Plus, and this was huge. Kenny Kelly was a part time football player. He was committed to play baseball in the Devil Rays organization and just didn't take football seriously. Yes, he had Moss, Wayne and to a less extent King and certainly Franks. Certainly helped Dorsey as a true freshman when he stepped in.

Again, by all accounts Rosier has improved, taking a more vocal leadership role, more a student of the game. We will see but I am confident he is going to be better this year.
I agree usually. But pinstripe bowl hahahahaha. I will say this. Some of the young canes fans don’t understand how much this program is hated.
They need to learn.

Hate by others used to drive us...remember the late '80's so well.

It was all us against them, us against the world.

I miss the good old days.
Not even remotely the same in that Kenny Kelly had zero competition going into the 1999. Steve Kelly had already transferred and Dorsey had just arrived on campus. Nobody on the roster was pushing him in August. It was Dorsey and a walk-on. Plus, and this was huge. Kenny Kelly was a part time football player. He was committed to play baseball in the Devil Rays organization and just didn't take football seriously. Yes, he had Moss, Wayne and to a less extent King and certainly Franks. Certainly helped Dorsey as a true freshman when he stepped in.

Again, by all accounts Rosier has improved, taking a more vocal leadership role, more a student of the game. We will see but I am confident he is going to be better this year.
Last season Rosier PLAYED like Kelly, except Rosier at least had the stones to run it, which was indeed a welcome sight.

I was in no way talking about the backup QB situation, but the play on the field last season. While I was higher on Shirreffs than most, he wasn't exactly a threat to Rosier once the season started. Kind of like the competition Kelly faced in 99, if we want to go there. Part time baseball player.... sounds familiar as well. While Kelly had a future in baseball, that I agree he seemed focused on, it can also be said that baseball had a little something to do with Rosier's mechanics and focus, especially early on when he didn't focus on football much at all, behind the backup to Kaaya. He knew he was never beating out Kaaya, and it showed.

I am feeling much better about Rosier now than I was two months ago, because unlike Kelly he stuck around, worked hard, and by all accounts improved. I am actually excited about his potential now that he is 100% focused on football, and 100% focused on being the starter and team leader. For 3 years he didn't do this, but I do believe he has now. Perhaps with maturity and a whole year under his belt he will be able to see the field and play with the anticipation needed to excel.

Even if he struggles a bit with LSU, he will have my patience. Well, unless he just blows chunks Kirby Freeman style. LSU has a good D, and we just need Rosier to be steady, not spectacular in game one. Feeling confident he can be that.

Like everyone here, I want to see good, consistent QB play. We get that and we win big this year.
Last season Rosier PLAYED like Kelly, except Rosier at least had the stones to run it, which was indeed a welcome sight.

I was in no way talking about the backup QB situation, but the play on the field last season. While I was higher on Shirreffs than most, he wasn't exactly a threat to Rosier once the season started. Kind of like the competition Kelly faced in 99, if we want to go there. Part time baseball player.... sounds familiar as well. While Kelly had a future in baseball, that I agree he seemed focused on, it can also be said that baseball had a little something to do with Rosier's mechanics and focus, especially early on when he didn't focus on football much at all, behind the backup to Kaaya. He knew he was never beating out Kaaya, and it showed.

I am feeling much better about Rosier now than I was two months ago, because unlike Kelly he stuck around, worked hard, and by all accounts improved. I am actually excited about his potential now that he is 100% focused on football, and 100% focused on being the starter and team leader. For 3 years he didn't do this, but I do believe he has now. Perhaps with maturity and a whole year under his belt he will be able to see the field and play with the anticipation needed to excel.

Even if he struggles a bit with LSU, he will have my patience. Well, unless he just blows chunks Kirby Freeman style. LSU has a good D, and we just need Rosier to be steady, not spectacular in game one. Feeling confident he can be that.

Like everyone here, I want to see good, consistent QB play. We get that and we win big this year.

So how often was Rosier's mechanics poor when he had a clean pocket? Every quarterback makes bad throws. So much of poor mechanics for quarterbacks are due to having somebody in their grill or pressure. Got to believe his ability on pre-snap reads have improved. Balls got to come out a couple of nanoseconds quicker and that will improve his accuracy.

So many are focuing on Malik has to get to +60% or greater accuracy. A better metric is how often is he throwing to the right guy. What made Kosar so special at Miami is Schnelly and Marc said he throws to the right guy 85% of the time. That is the key. I think he can get to 60%. Having a veteran wide receiving group is going to cut down on drops. I'd rather have him at 58% with the right receiver 85% of the time than 63% to the right receiver 70% of the time.

We shall see, but he sounds like a much different kid in interviews. And everybody inside the program is bullish with him this year. Can't say that was the case this same time last year.
Rosier missed passes when he had clean pockets as well. It wasn't just when he had pressure. Obviously pressure rushes a QBs decision making, mechanics, everything. MY problem with his play last season was him missing targets when he had a clean pocket. That and not seeing or throwing to the guy with A) the best chance to make a completion, or B) best chance to make a big play. He would often not see a guy down the field, then miss on a short pass that wouldn't have gotten a first down anyway. It was the worst of both worlds. It hurt my brain watching him hit a guy for 5 yards when we needed 7, and it would have been a first down had his ball placement allowed the receiver to get some yards after catch.

Another thing that I would like to see is him take advantage of teams having to account for his running ability. When a QB can make a D think they are doing one thing, then do another with success, it's a beautiful thing. Rosier has the ability to do that, but he has to refine it. Hopefully with more playing time he can do that.

I certainly agree with your % statement. He can be a 54% passer and run the O at a high level, but he needs to target the right guy far more often. Heck, you can have a QB complete 70% of his passes, but if he's targeting the wrong guy 90% of the time the O will struggle.

Everyone says he has improved across the board, and I'll go with that.
I wasn't happy with him either but like everyone on here has mentioned, The reports and the locker room about him are different. even his pressers, you can see a difference in him. he's our QB until further notice. but I just have this feeling the kid is going to do something special this year with a loaded team behind him