THE DOWNLO w/MIDLO. Canes & college football stuff. 11/12/23

What was the run/pass ratio on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd down?
On 1st down it was nearly a 2:1 run to pass ratio. 3 of the 4 TD drives started with a pass, 2 for 1st downs. On the other TD drive, we started with a run for a loss of two yards, and then Cam popped the long TD. Maybe it’s something, maybe nothing. I’m not a fan of predictable plays on first downs being stuffed for losses or result in short gains in later drives setting up low % 3rd and longs. Was too much of that in our recent past.
On 1st down it was nearly a 2:1 run to pass ratio. 3 of the 4 TD drives started with a pass, 2 for 1st downs. On the other TD drive, we started with a run for a loss of two yards, and then Cam popped the long TD. Maybe it’s something, maybe nothing. I’m not a fan of predictable plays on first downs being stuffed for losses or result in short gains in later drives setting up low % 3rd and longs. Was too much of that in our recent past.
I'm not a fan of getting predictable either. I'm just wondering the ratio on all 3 downs. I'm thinking we were probably run-heavy throughout. Seems like we made some hay when we did throw on 1st down though.
I'm not a fan of getting predictable either. I'm just wondering the ratio on all 3 downs. I'm thinking we were probably run-heavy throughout. Seems like we made some hay when we did throw on 1st down though.
What this does is likely set up play actions for positive results on first downs once teams key on this tendency. Maybe it is Lashlee’s long game for quality opponents.
Barry J. 6-pack:

A six-pack of Miami Hurricanes notes on a Thursday:
▪ The hope, beginning on Saturday at Louisville, would be to generate more explosive plays in the passing game.

On throws that traveled at least 10 yards in the air against UAB, Hurricanes quarterback D’Eriq King completed only 4 of 10 passes for 61 yards, missing an open Mike Harley Jr. on one play and Jeremiah Payton on another.

King — who was otherwise very good — was 0 for 2 on throws of at least 20 yards. But UM has mixed feelings with regard to the deep passing game.

Remember, one of the points being emphasized this season is to run more plays in this new up-tempo offense and consequently wear down the opponent. UM ran 78 offensive plays against UAB -well above its average of 65 a year ago — and Manny Diaz said it could have easily been 90 if not for an inefficient fourth quarter.

And Diaz, on WQAM’s Hurricane Hotline this week, then made an interesting point:

“What we’ve told our players is every time that ball is being snapped, you are adding snaps to that defense’s lungs and to their legs. And sooner or later, it’s like a boxer. We used that imagery with our players. We were not going for the knockout with UAB. We were going to body blow UAB until they went down and the referee stood in front of him. That’s what ended up happening.

“We want to be more explosive, we want to hit some shots down the field, but we’ve set our mind to aim for the rib cage and kidneys and go to work on that and see what happens.” So yes, UM wants to hit more deep shots and get quick scores. But the Canes also want to leave their opponents fatigued from being on the field far longer than they would prefer.

▪ Of the young defensive tackles behind Jon Ford, Nesta Silvera and Jordan Miller, keep an eye on Jared Harrison-Hunte. Diaz raved about him with Joe Zagacki and Don Bailey Jr. on Hurricane Hotline.

“Hunte is big but he’s so athletic,” Diaz said. “He’s as athletic of a guy as we’ve had in the last five years. A starter in basketball at Christ of the King in New York City. Very light on his feet, great balance. That is a quick Miami defensive tackle; his movement skills are a mismatch against any guard he is on. The more he develops, the more you will notice him in the backfield.”

▪ Diaz admitted that “there was a time it was not sure” that linebackers Bradley Jennings and Waymon Steed “would be able to play football again.” That’s among the reasons why Diaz was pleased to see both play and play well last week.

“They persevered through that,” Diaz said. “To see [Jennings] out there knocking into people and being the physical thumper he is, was really cool to see.” And Diaz acknowledged he didn’t feel comfortable playing more linebackers last season because he was understandably reluctant to take Shaq Quarterman and Mike Pinckney off the field.

“Our front 7 goes 15, 16 deep,” Diaz said. “This is the first year we can do that at linebacker. We should have no excuse to not give maximum effort.”

▪ Quick stuff part 1: Because UM players will be required to wear their masks at all times on the bus and on the plane on the road trip this weekend, Diaz — on WQAM — bemoaned the “amazing cheesesteaks we can’t have on the airplane anymore. That’s the most devastating thing to our players and coaches. We can’t mingle with any outsiders any more. It’s really unfortunate. Got to wave at” family members instead of embracing them...

Diaz calls Louisville “probably the best outside zone running team in America. They bring back the most starters of anybody in the ACC. And they’ve got as much speed at running back as anyone we’ll play against.”...

UM said Zagacki and Bailey will be announcing Saturday’s UM-at-Louisville game from Mark Light Field. During the pandemic, none of the announcers for the Dolphins, Hurricanes, Marlins, Heat or Panthers are traveling to road games….

Diaz noted about King, on Hotline, that “it seems like after every practice, you’ll see him sitting there on the field with four or five different guys. I don’t even know what they’re talking about, but they’re just making connections. Look, the personality of the football team is going to end up in some way being the personality of the quarterback.”

▪ Quick stuff part 2: The fact UM had only one sack last week (by Quincy Roche) didn’t bother coaches because UAB was “getting the ball out so quick,” defensive coordinator Blake Baker said. “I think we had 10 quarterback hits and 16 pressures after we got done grading the film. [Roche and Jaelan Phillips] were disruptive. I thought both of them had an outstanding game, especially versus the run.”...

With UM-Louisville getting a national prime-time ABC window (along with ESPN’s College GameDay on location on Saturday morning), Diaz mentioned a mentality change that he’s trying to instill in year two of his regime: “We have to get out of this trap of big games, small games,” he said on Hotline. “Every time Miami rolls into a stadium, it’s a big game, whether it’s TV, radio, carrier pigeon, how ever they’re broadcasting the game.”...

Here’s how the safety snaps broke down against UAB: Amari Carter 49, Gurvan Hall 45 and Bubba Bolden 40. “We have three starting safeties, an ability to roll those guys through,” Diaz said. “We always want two of those guys on the field because they’re so valuable for us.”....

Diaz said strikers Gilbert Frierson and Keontra Smith both “played great” in the opener.
Interesting, Rashad Bateman is trying to opt back in, but he signed an agent. Said he will need a waiver.