The Blue Chip Ratio - Defensive Tackle Edition


Dec 31, 2018
I wouldn’t say that. But the margin for error will be less and we will have to hope some guys overperform this season with good coaching aiding in their development.
You either need good LB play to overcome bad DL or Good DL to over bad secondary. We have none of the above.
OL and DL has been ***.

You show me weak front lines and I’ll show you your Miami Hurricanes for the past 10-15 years.
And it is that very fact that has been at the very foundation of our maddening inconsistency. Mediocre coaching certainly has not served to help matters but the line of scrimmage has always been at the core of our issues. In our case it is more that the OL has been almost "overlooked". We were so focused on WR, QB, RB and TE then we would bring in a few good to very good OL prospects and a bunch of projects and expected that to somehow be enough and it wasn't. With the DL the focus and intent was always there but we could never quite recruit up to the level where we needed to.

This is another gift that Mario brings. He knows this and he is laser focused on getting both lines not just up to par but up to elite/championship standard. For the first time in a very very long time, this program will have the focus and the ability to follow through on that focus in terms of recruiting and developing the offensive and defensive lines. Not only with elite level starters but with excellent depth. Mario as a football coach and a recruiter, understands better than anyone we have had recently that when you recruit a few excellent players on both lines, say high 4 star and 5 star types in one cycle, that doesn't mean that you can relax and not worry about it for a cycle or two. No! You have to keep recruiting elite talent and stack each position with it. Yes, this is much easier said than done but in order to be a championship level program, this is what the mindset must be. The theory is simple enough. Stack elite talent at every position thus creating an intense and high level of competition. This level of competition makes everybody better because the players know that one bad day or a few sloppy reps and the next guy can and will take their spot. Not only does the cream rise to the top but the process also creates excellent depth and is a significant factor in player development. This is what we can all look forward to getting back to. Mario didn't bring in this type of elite staff so he could maintain the status quo. There is a plan in place and that plan culminates with that National Championship trophy coming back to Coral Gables.
You either need good LB play to overcome bad DL or Good DL to over bad secondary. We have none of the above.
Its not confirmed! your going off of last year and most of those guys we're first year guys lets get thru this year before saying what we don't have. We don't have any stars returning!
Overall, it’s below average frronlines; OL and DL. Hopefully TVD delivers a performance in 2022 that will go down as one of the best ever for the Miami Hurricanes. His play will be the difference between an 8-4 year to 10-2 and playing in the ACCCG.
JHH is good but these charts make it very clear why we’ve had issues running the ball and stopping the run