That's It: Time To Break The Glass And Unleash UM's Savior

At least we would be fun to watch again.

I'll happily take Mike leach over a wishy washy Mark Richt. **** him and UVA
What's the story behind that gif?

It's from the Oregon game where the GA wanted him to go for 2 when they tied the game with 1 second left.

Leach kicked the extra point. Went to overtime and beat Oregon in overtime.
U used to make sense and then u started smokin dat piff

Prayers sent

You're gonna have to clear your schedule, invite over some close friends, and prepare to accept Butch Davis is not getting hired here. They hate this nlgga. They're bringing up stuff from 8 years ago like a ****ed off ex-girlfriend during a really heated fight.

They don't want Butch Davis. He was interviewed so we wouldn't burn down the Hecht. Have everyone you know throw you a Butch intervention. Scream it out. Cry it out. He's DEAD man.

Then the real last decent choice is Leach. Aaargh?
Or, you know, we can just wait for Richt to see that UVA is a **** job and decide to come to Miami.

We shouldn't have to wait for Richt. The jobs don't compare. Do you want to win national championships or not?

That's what it comes down to. Richt can't deal with expectations anymore and that's why he's interviewing with Charlottesville. What other reason would a Miami alumnus have for not taking the job immediately once offered?

If UM offered Richt the gig, and Richt then decided to interview with UVA, then UM should have rescinded the offer. That would be all the proof anyone with a brain and a set of balls would need to know that Richt is a ham and egger looking to steal checks and live a cushy life.