
I’m Well On My Way
Feb 1, 2018
I’ve been a Phins fan from day one in ‘66. I hate the Jets, neutral on the Bills because of the great Jim Kelly, and never had much feelings towards the Pats one way or another.

But being a football fan, I’m amazed at what Tom Brady has accomplished.
7-3 in 10 Super Bowls with 5 MVP’s. I’ve seen all 55 and attended 4 of them. I’ll never see what TB has accomplished again in my lifetime.
Yeah...Gotta give him props. NE were complete teams and this bucs team with the additions were awful good once they got time together.

Can't ignore him at the helm for both.
I hate Tom Brady because he took the GOAT moniker from my man Joe Montana.

How anyone can think any other human being is, was, or might be a better QB, especially in the big games, is beyond me. The dude played flawless last night and led his team to W's, on the road, three consecutive games.
Belichick still has one more ring than Brady though.... 6 as HC of the Pats and 2 as DC of the 86 and 90 Giants teams....
Believe me I'm not knocking Tom by any means... Winning 7 as a starting QB is just Ridiculous... I doubt we'll ever see that again... Least I won't, maybe some of the younger guys in here might...
I remember me and RVA were talking about witnessing historical moments in sports a few months ago and now we just saw another one....Stuff like this is why I love sports...
Belichick still has one more ring than Brady though.... 6 as HC of the Pats and 2 as DC of the 86 and 90 Giants teams....
Believe me I'm not knocking Tom by any means... Winning 7 as a starting QB is just Ridiculous... I doubt we'll ever see that again... Least I won't, maybe some of the younger guys in here might...
I remember me and RVA were talking about witnessing historical moments in sports a few months ago and now we just saw another one....Stuff like this is why I love sports...
Belichick is 1/8 in making the playoffs when his starting QB is not TB12. Belichick helped Brady greatly early in his career with incredible defenses and excellent game plans, but I would argue that Belichick never wins a Super Bowl if another team drafted Tom Brady.
Belichick is 1/8 in making the playoffs when his starting QB is not TB12. Belichick helped Brady greatly early in his career with incredible defenses and excellent game plans, but I would argue that Belichick never wins a Super Bowl if another team drafted Tom Brady.
All I'm saying is he has one more ring... How and why doesn't matter... He has it...