Syracuse at Miami at 4 pm on the ACC Network (Pregame predictions, game thread and post game reactions)

* Always enjoy the home games vs. Syracuse because of all their fans attending the game. Tons of energy. It's unlike any other opponent in that regard. Florida State and Duke have their fan presence but it's considered a big game so Canes fans attend also. Only Syracuse is considered a middle of the road game but the opponent holds basically half the arena. Great timing to schedule this game for the finale. Otherwise a home game against someone like Virginia Tech would have been a nothing crowd and who cares

* At one point today we had 15 offensive rebounds and 29 points. That should be impossible

* Walker is so lost out there it's comical. Both sides of the court. No idea what he's doing. Anyone who wonders why he doesn't play has never bothered to actually watch him play. He does have the quick and explosive moves once he gets the ball. His shooting is not bad. Today he was the only one who quickly took the free throw line jumper that Syracuse was handing our bigs. Otherwise it's bizarre what he's doing out there. One time today he lost a contact lens after getting hit in the face. He clearly was struggling with it and actually put it in his sock while play continued. Miami did not call time out and the referees let play continue. I guess they figured it would make a difference with any other play but Walker was going to merely do the same wandering anyway.

* Midway through the season we stopped throwing the deep inbounds pass as our only option. The half court version was actually somewhat better than I expected from under the opposing basket. But not nearly enough movement when inbounding under our own bucket. That's why we got stuck and had to desperately get it to Sam while leading by 2 and seconds remaining

* Wong with more swagger than anyone in the program right now, including football. Maybe not including Strawley

* No matter what anyone thinks about DJ I was very happy he eventually hit some big shots today and went out a winner with the 2 sealing free throws in overtime. I didn't see him on the court during the post game alma mater until I saw him on press row. Big smile in an interview that extended a long time. Crowd gave DJ a nice ovation during the senior day pregame ceremony. DJ needed to be a complimentary player on a good team. That was the intention. Not his fault the FBI stuff broke the roster and forced him into too much of a role the final two seasons.
Really happy for DJ to get a last moment in the sun at home. I’m glad his eligibility didn’t run out at halftime like a few people upthread were hoping.
DJ is/was a solid bench caliber player on a quality ACC team. As is Lykes. As is McGusty. Nobody in our starting 5 would be starting on a quality ACC team. This was a Clark/Haith level bad season in regard to both talent and result. And it was blatantly obvious before the season even started that it was a throw away year. Very disappointing.
DJ is/was a solid bench caliber player on a quality ACC team. As is Lykes. As is McGusty. Nobody in our starting 5 would be starting on a quality ACC team. This was a Clark/Haith level bad season in regard to both talent and result. And it was blatantly obvious before the season even started that it was a throw away year. Very disappointing.
I believe I Wong can start for many ACC teams.
Lykes would definitely start on most ACC teams and McGusty would also start on alot of them.