Off-Topic Subway in Crisis

**** sandwich, but somehow people love them. One of, if not the largest franchise restaurant out there, but if they did go away, I wouldn’t notice.
Comically awful food. Do they even do 5$ footlongs anymore? While their bread sucks i will give them credit for offering different choices. More subs shops should step up their bread game.
I’ve had food poisoning 1 time in my life..and it was my first and only time eating subway..they should be tried for crimes against humanity..idk how u **** up a sub but they got it down pact
Comically awful food. Do they even do 5$ footlongs anymore? While their bread sucks i will give them credit for offering different choices. More subs shops should step up their bread game.
I recently felt nostalgic and hit a Subway. Its been years. Had a footlong wheat with turkey. The only extras were extra cheese and bacon. Total price of that sandwich and two cookies was $17.00.

And it sucked. Nostalgia is over-rated.
Only comment I have to add is they had (have?) one in the law school building. The smell of their bread with forever bring back memories of 1L year, finals, studying for the bar exam, and immediately trigger something just short of PTSD.