Spring Spring PractiSe 10 - Tuesday 4-5

Probably a press coverage drill, got beat. No safety help.

Relax guy.. Effort won't be an issue under Mario.
Did he give up/let up on the play? Yes or no?

Not talking about wether that will be corrected or not by Mario/coaches.
Yea I dont follow either. Why is Jaden Harris being at practice a secret? No clue.

What am I missing?
It wasn’t about Jaden Harris. The discussion @Gi0logy and I were referencing was about the injury to a player that Lake didn’t want the name out until confirmed but Gabby wanted to share the name.
Bro he was asking olineman last week if they wanted to go with Justice like wtf type of question these guys be asking, smfh
Man I 'm all for freedom of the press, but if I were Rad/Mario, I'd give a call to these outlets and say if you keep asking/encourage kids about leaving, your credentials will be revoked. It's not the first time it's happened. Write and ask all the dumb questions you want, but stop trying to create stories and persuade players.
It wasn’t about Jaden Harris. The discussion @Gi0logy and I were referencing was about the injury to a player that Lake didn’t want the name out until confirmed but Gabby wanted to share the name.
Gaby is going to find himself with no access or sources if he keeps trying to leak stuff, not that he has a ton anyway. One thing to do it with recruiting, another to do it with official team activities, particularly when it comes to injuries.
Gaby is going to find himself with no access or sources if he keeps trying to leak stuff, not that he has a ton anyway. One thing to do it with recruiting, another to do it with official team activities, particularly when it comes to injuries.
Yep and I think Lake knows that and was trying to save Gaby from himself.
Rique in red non contact jersey still.

Ferman is reporting that Brian Balom is quietly having a good spring. Said he heard Balom Was the top rated defender in saturday's scrimmage.
If Balom comes on like he’s capable of doing, and how some of us were expecting since day 1, we will have the best safety room in the country next two years. People have always slept on BB, he’s an absolute dog. Williams & Williams, Kam and Balom can be a disgustingly good 2 deep.
Yep and I think Lake knows that and was trying to save Gaby from himself.
We've all been there early in our careers where we make young mistakes, are too eager, don't think things through. I get it; he wants to make a name for himself, but this isn't how you do it. If he hasn't already, Lake needs to sit him down and have a "come to Jesus" conversation like probably most of us have had at some point.

The irony about all these guys trying to leak stuff first is that the most respected reporters—Feldman, Schefter, etc—aren't typically the first to report it. But they make sure their info is solid and concrete, so when it drops, it's accurate. Get that reputation and people listen, regardless if you are first.
Gaby is going to find himself with no access or sources if he keeps trying to leak stuff, not that he has a ton anyway. One thing to do it with recruiting, another to do it with official team activities, particularly when it comes to injuries.
You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. There’s fine lines he shouldn’t cross.
We've all been there early in our careers where we make young mistakes, are too eager, don't think things through. I get it; he wants to make a name for himself, but this isn't how you do it. If he hasn't already, Lake needs to sit him down and have a "come to Jesus" conversation like probably most of us have had at some point.

The irony about all these guys trying to leak stuff first is that the most respected reporters—Feldman, Schefter, etc—aren't typically the first to report it. But they make sure their info is solid and concrete, so when it drops, it's accurate. Get that reputation and people listen, regardless if you are first.
Is this your Ferman??? :rolleyes: Sure sounds like it...
Is this your Ferman??? :rolleyes: Sure sounds like it...
Lol. Dude is a joke. It was clear during the coaching and AD search the guy lost a ton of sources. He had no idea what was going on and kept throwing stuff against the wall to see what would stick. Literally said Ponce was out of the running for QB coach like 2 hours before it broke he was the hire.

No, that statement was just more general. I had a boss sit me down early and talk things through and it was good for me long-term. No one really knows what they're doing in their first full-time job. Sometimes you just have to learn how to be a professional.