Off-Topic Space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of NASA


Two suns?

Binary Stars...

Are you generally unfamiliar with Astronomy or do you just have a complete disbelief or doubt of any possible material reality outside of Earth?
Choice C:
I posted a pic of Luke on Tatooine looking at two suns because it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the NASA tweet and I thought it was mildly humorous.
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The Red dots that appeared on infrared-sensing pictures are what the Universe looked like 13.5 Billion years, just roughly 500 million years after the Big Bang (which is relatively early in context) or just 3% of the totality of the Universe from singularity.

What they show is that there were galaxies formations much earlier than previously thought & that those spots in particular housed gargantuan sized stars that are approximately 100 Billion times the mass of the circumference of our Sun & had easily over 100 Billion or more Star systems within these galaxies that ultimately would expand out & extended so far as such a rapid pace that they became simply unattainable to be contained within the confines of the fabric of existence at that time, which didn’t actually exist (mathematically).

And the craziest part is that these stars & galaxies did not follow the prevailing normal gestational period that most stars/galaxies would follow upon their inception, meaning they didn’t go through a nursery period. All those stars based on the measurement of their spectral resonance were essentially born & developed in maturation almost instantaneously; so there were stars from way back then that were “spawned” who were basically fully grown adults just a few tenths of a parsec after it’s birth... That is pure incomprehensible insanity when you really think about it.

Most galaxy & star formation takes millions/billions of years of growth before they become the mass of energy & matter that we know of them today; what these findings show is that these particular stars took only few mere seconds, but not in time in the way you might think, but in distance, because there is no time in space.

The most fascinating part aside from the “quickness” with which these Supermassive galaxies were formed is the sheer amount of mass that would have to be condensed in order for that kind of electromagnetic force to produce that much output, I mean we’re talking centillions of kelvins of ionized particles all expanding & contracting at almost the exact same time... It would be the equivalent of our Solar System being formed in just 15 seconds to its absolute perfection while also rapidly accelerating to its absolute destruction at just 1/.00000000000001 millionth of second less at the same time. Now mind you, this process is happening in conjunction with several Billion other formations at the same time & all relatively (from a space standpoint) the same distance in sequence & coordination; randomly.
