Something to Celebrate

For me...I give the upmost respect for the kids who are coming to the U when we are down... They are trying to bring the U back. I support them man straight up...
6-7, 1 rb recruit, 1 wr recruit, & Al Golden is still the coach. Im buying the first round. Lets toast to this great day.
I get the hatred, pain, and anger. I too am sick of the losing, excuses, and mediocrity. I've been a Canes fan since I was 10 in 1982. The thought of Flutie's Hail Mary still haunts me. So I write this from a place of love for the program we all care for and want to see back competing for National Championships.

Today, on this site, all I see is whining, complaining, and vitriol. Like I said, I get it. But let's not forget that 20 kids - 20 teenagers are Canes now. Most of these kids could have chosen other schools - many of them more successful than The U in recent history. But they chose The U. For the next few years, these kids will give their blood, sweat, and tears for a scholarship and our game day amusement. All the while, we'll protest by not showing up to their games, flying banners over their heads, and ranting on Twitter. Doesn't seem right to me.

For a moment - just a moment - can we step back from the Al Golden hatred and show these new Canes some love? Can we CELEBRATE 20 new Canes? They chose to come here in spite of all the crap and will be Canes forever regardless of the coach. None of it is their fault.

Don't know whose with me. Neg me if you like. But for my money, I'm done with the bashing and am supporting the kids who are with us through thick and thin.

Go Canes.

Well **** you if you've been bashing players. Oh, you haven't? Then what are you saying? To stop with dissent and voicing displeasure w/r/t the coaching staff? So you're gonna pull the "support the players and shut the **** up about Golden" card? You ******* coward. No, if you actually care for these kids' future, you're gonna get more vocal than ever. You're gonna hound that fat ****** every day of his remaining time here at the U. You're gonna encourage those who hate mediocrity to continue the onslaught of negativity directed towards that fat ******* thief with his ******* BFF, all the while you're gonna still, STILL, support the players.

See, you can do both. You can both encourage players who have come to play for the U and also spew poison at that corpulent New Jersey **********. If you're using the players to provide cover for Golden then **** you and I hope you enjoy cheering for Al where ever he ends up cause you don't belong here.
I get the hatred, pain, and anger. I too am sick of the losing, excuses, and mediocrity. I've been a Canes fan since I was 10 in 1982. The thought of Flutie's Hail Mary still haunts me. So I write this from a place of love for the program we all care for and want to see back competing for National Championships.

Today, on this site, all I see is whining, complaining, and vitriol. Like I said, I get it. But let's not forget that 20 kids - 20 teenagers are Canes now. Most of these kids could have chosen other schools - many of them more successful than The U in recent history. But they chose The U. For the next few years, these kids will give their blood, sweat, and tears for a scholarship and our game day amusement. All the while, we'll protest by not showing up to their games, flying banners over their heads, and ranting on Twitter. Doesn't seem right to me.

For a moment - just a moment - can we step back from the Al Golden hatred and show these new Canes some love? Can we CELEBRATE 20 new Canes? They chose to come here in spite of all the crap and will be Canes forever regardless of the coach. None of it is their fault.

Don't know whose with me. Neg me if you like. But for my money, I'm done with the bashing and am supporting the kids who are with us through thick and thin.

Go Canes.

Lol @ these kids could've gone to a better program. Maybe 6 of them could've. That's the problem. The majority of this class is just bodies.
This is not a knock on the 20 kids, but let's be honest here, Golden had an epic fail for this class. Let me remind you that all of the "loyal" Golden supporters said "don't worry about the misses in 2014 at DB and WR and RB...2015 is loaded here in SoFLA" last year. What happened in 2015? We struck out on 96% of the top talent within a 30 mile radius from our school. Did you see what USC did with the schools that's within a 30 mile radius of them? They swept; this coming from a new coach w/ one year of experience there. I'm sorry, it's not whinning, it's being tired of the misses from home. Golden uses every excuse for his failings, and I'm sorry, I will love these new Canes, but this class is an indictment of a serious problem here...lock down home or gtfoh.

I think your hatred for golden is blocking you from seeing his point. This post was NOT about golden. This post was about the kids saying "I choose to be a Cane despite of . . . " so if your main objective is to "enlighten" us that golden is a bad coach it's about 40 other pagers where you can have fun.
I get the hatred, pain, and anger. I too am sick of the losing, excuses, and mediocrity. I've been a Canes fan since I was 10 in 1982. The thought of Flutie's Hail Mary still haunts me. So I write this from a place of love for the program we all care for and want to see back competing for National Championships.

Today, on this site, all I see is whining, complaining, and vitriol. Like I said, I get it. But let's not forget that 20 kids - 20 teenagers are Canes now. Most of these kids could have chosen other schools - many of them more successful than The U in recent history. But they chose The U. For the next few years, these kids will give their blood, sweat, and tears for a scholarship and our game day amusement. All the while, we'll protest by not showing up to their games, flying banners over their heads, and ranting on Twitter. Doesn't seem right to me.

For a moment - just a moment - can we step back from the Al Golden hatred and show these new Canes some love? Can we CELEBRATE 20 new Canes? They chose to come here in spite of all the crap and will be Canes forever regardless of the coach. None of it is their fault.

Don't know whose with me. Neg me if you like. But for my money, I'm done with the bashing and am supporting the kids who are with us through thick and thin.

Go Canes.

Lol @ these kids could've gone to a better program. Maybe 6 of them could've. That's the problem. The majority of this class is just bodies.

Really? I can throw a rock from my house and hit a better coach than we have here
I think we got some pretty good players today.

Al Golden can still suck a phat one.

Butch will have some talent when he gets here. He will corch these guys up

just one thread dude.. just 30 seconds to press the **** pause button..