Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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I’m gonna take a guess on someone that I know wants the job

Anthony Tucker
Would be a **** of a hire. Like what he did with Utah State's offense this year. Still relatively young at 45 as well. Has a spread philosophy that emphasizes taking advantage of the whole field and making defenders make plays in space on his guys. Pretty balance offense as well, think he passed right around the same amount of times as he threw. Would fit the description of name whores being meh and football guys being happy.
Hearing it could be a college coach. Young with exciting offense. People will be happy if it comes to pass.
Could be college, could be NFL. Could be young, could also be experienced. People will be happy if it’s who I hear it is.
I’m gonna take a guess on someone that I know wants the job

Anthony Tucker
Just looked him up. Great background and seems like someone with the potential to be a big name in college football soon. I'd be happy with the hire!
Would be a **** of a hire. Like what he did with Utah State's offense this year. Still relatively young at 45 as well. Has a spread philosophy that emphasizes taking advantage of the whole field and making defenders make plays in space on his guys. Pretty balance offense as well, think he passed right around the same amount of times as he threw. Would fit the description of name whores being meh and football guys being happy.
He is one I referenced a few weeks ago and again a few days ago that met with Mario… I believe it was virtually and Mario basically went rogue. Hadn’t heard anything back.
Is this an educated guess based on mutual interest or just interest on Tucker's part?
Idk about mutual but know through some people that he at least discussed it with Mario and went through his wild interview process.. it’s been at least a month ago now so I’d put it to bed and assumed the ship sailed.

But now that I saw the footballscoop comment about talking to Steele since mid December I’m thinking the timing might not matter.
Washington Commanders.... 😂😂😂View attachment 175827

Iggles fans already calling them the Commies.
I used to have season tickets, but I gave up on Washington (and the NFL in general) a long time ago, but I don't know a single person that likes this name. I know they supposedly did a bunch of focus groups, but everyone is panning this. I fully supported them changing the name and it was long overdue, but there had to be better options than Commanders.
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