Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Am I the only who thinks Belk is worth the money and would be a grand slam hire?
Yes in the being worth more. Why would you pay $35/share for AT&T now if it is trading at $25? You pay what it costs to get someone. That is what negotiations are. He may be worth more but you pay what he is willing to take and that value is predicated in his current contract relative to how he feels about living in South Florida. Not attacking you but reading posts that say pay someone whatever they want because we have the money is just frustrating. If he proves himself and expresses that he is more valuable, you consider it and decide if it is worth it. That is free economy.
Like most of us I am disappointed that we don't have a Coaching Staff yet - but the kicker for me is that I thought Mario would come in - as a seasoned veteran coach - with a short list of guys he wanted. A list that he had built through the years of being a coach. That the guys on that short list would have already had conversations - the initial ground work would have already been done. Instead it appears he got the job and we started from scratch with a search and interviews.
Like a good AD usually has a short list of Head coaches he has been keeping an eye on incase a opportunity arrives. I guess I just had a different expectation of his rolodex.
So maybe I got the whole process screwed up in my mind and I set myself up for disappointment. A couple of good hires will definitely change my mindset around quickly. But right now I am in the "we are Miami, give us a minute and we will ***** it up" mentality.
After about 2 decades hard to get out of that mentality.
Like most of us I am disappointed that we don't have a Coaching Staff yet - but the kicker for me is that I thought Mario would come in - as a seasoned veteran coach - with a short list of guys he wanted. A list that he had built through the years of being a coach. That the guys on that short list would have already had conversations - the initial ground work would have already been done. Instead it appears he got the job and we started from scratch with a search and interviews.
Like a good AD usually has a short list of Head coaches he has been keeping an eye on incase a opportunity arrives. I guess I just had a different expectation of his rolodex.
So maybe I got the whole process screwed up in my mind and I set myself up for disappointment. A couple of good hires will definitely change my mindset around quickly. But right now I am in the "we are Miami, give us a minute and we will ***** it up" mentality.

Agree 100% All we heard was how organized he was etc. etc. We all know what a rolodex he had, but by the looks of things we sure can't tell. People can spin it how they want, but this oc/dc situation and allowing his best recruiters/coaches to skate is a bit disappointing.
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It’s a good thing he had a couple coaches follow him from OU or him and Kevin Smith would be some busy and tired MFers…😂…I know Mario is a stud recruiter but trying do it with half a staff is not only near impossible but also stupid in that you can’t give the time to the recruits your after cause you’re always trying to get to the next one cause it’s all on you…

I’ve never in all my years following football ever seen anything close to it taking this long to fill a staff….especially going into NSD….but hey supposedly Mario knows what he’s doing.I guess we shall see sometime between now and kickoff of the first game when he actually finishes filling it…
Right - but that ideology of "picking your spots" has a plan, a specific result. Spending bc you "can" is not a plan. What's the plan for the position coaches? Do you overpay a little there for a stud recruiter? Do you overpay for an up-and-comer who maybe takes over at DC when that guy bolts (if he works out)? There are many different avenues to look at that aren't simply spending because you can.

I'm not sitting here saying Don't Pay Belk $2M. Not once have I. I'm simply saying spend spend spend bc it was promised is ridiculous. As a fan, **** yeah i want them to spend.....but i want it to be on top talent and guys they really are sold on. It makes no sense to overpay just because you can. Pick your shots.

The market didn't dictate Mich State pay Tucker that price. They overspent. Maybe it works out. Maybe it doesn't.
Agreed. We on the same pg. The Mel Tucker analogy is where you are going and a good one. That was theft.

For Belk. Bidding only takes 2 interested parties. If that’s the holdup, shoot your best shot and empty the clip if you think he is the best guy you can hire.
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