So no commitments

this week for us...kinda weird as we have been getting at least one a week for a while there. Where will the next one come from and if it's a local kid how will they impact the status of Head Coach Manny Diaz's "The New Miami's 2020 or 2021" class??
We certainly need one commitment a week. How else will we sign 52 guys per class?
It is the dead period. Coaches out on vacation. We have like 6 spots open. Many of these kids waiting until the end of football season. Going to be a long wait.
My bigger concern is it has been a few weeks since we got a Striker commit this week. The roster needs at least 25 Strikers at a time...and you want to make sure you have Strikers that are small and crafty as well as Strikers that are tall and rangy for jump ball scenarios.

And don't even get me started on the lack of Vipers this week...
One a week added to what we have now would fill us up classwise till 2023-24.Then WTF would we all do for the next 4-5 years in the off-season.

OP HAD 105 posts At the time he posted this one.Im just hoping he used a little more common sense in the first 104 or I’ll wish him a nice CIS RIP now.
You are a leech who has been polluting our boards the better part of the past week. Don't think everyone hasn't noticed.

I sure as **** don’t know who you are nor do I care about what you think pertaining to me specifically. Please avoid my “leach perceptions” and desist all direct interaction with me altogether.
I sure as **** don’t know who you are nor do I care about what you think pertaining to me specifically. Please avoid my “leach perceptions” and desist all direct interaction with me altogether.
I think you should call Ferman’s show again and speak really slow and act you know everything and everyone some more. He seems to like you, enjoy that cesspool. Clowns like you are not protected and coddled on this board.
I think you should call Ferman’s show again and speak really slow and act you know everything and everyone some more. He seems to like you, enjoy that cesspool. Clowns like you are not protected and coddled on this board.