So, it was never really about the $


Retired staff
Oct 7, 2012
Or, people had the wrong info about the buyout dropping drastically on December 1st. If the BOT or Flake was so worried about the $, and if we really as broke as the myth that people perpetuate, we would have waited to fire him until December. Or, we would have announced he wasn't returning, but let him coach out the season. This just means the BOT and Flake are as clueless and spineless as we suspected.
I think the pressure was too much for all involved. They probably caved on the money part and said fck it. Or maybe Golden agreed to a lower buyout to escape his failures. His wife had to have wanted out more than she wanted the full amount due him.
I think it was because all these other schools had already fired their coaches to go along with the pressure. No Miami can actually get in the game. Originally we didn't think there were gonna be this many vacancies this year, and now you have both USCs looking for a coach and we needed to make a move. Thank God we did.
I'm not sure will ever know the truth. Golden had to go, and finally that day is here. I wish Al Golden and his family well, but as fan of the U, today is an exciting day.
I think the pressure was too much for all involved. They probably caved on the money part and said fck it. Or maybe Golden agreed to a lower buyout to escape his failures. His wife had to have wanted out more than she wanted the full amount due him.

This sounds plausible to me. I think Al and his wife feel some relief knowing it's over.
that's the thing...we really don't know who made the decision or how it went down, and never will. Only thing we know for sure is that Golden's gone, and that's good enough for today.
Who knows. But it would not be at all surprising that Al agreed to the end-of-the-year buyout now to escape the toxic environment, knowing he's a lame duck.
or maybe we lost 58-0 ------ at home --- maybe THAT was the reason

I said three weeks ago it did drop dec 1, and the only way they fire him during the season if there was an epic meltdown. I think 58-0 on national tv counts as an " epic meltdown"
I believe it was about the money, however I think James cares more about his job than saving the university Golden’s buyout
It's likely they negotiated something to pay him what he'd have been due had they waited until the end of the season.

Miami cries poor, but we know better.
All this stuff will be known in time, and I think the process of how it all happened will be interesting. For now, Miami acted, that's the important thing.