So if the decision truly is Frenks…

Everyone rags on Frenk for being a puss, but is it possible he has some alpha in him? My understanding about the law school thing is that he made a strong decision there that was very unpopular. Doesn’t seem like he minds being the villain.

He's most certainly an Alpha and can be ruthless if he needs to be. Don't be fooled by his appearance as anything happening here is child's play compared to his other stops.

He was the Mexican Secretary of Health for 6 years. That means he was directly appointed by the President there. That countries politics are dirty, ruthless, and even deadly at times. If you make it big there, don't confuse things, you're no angel.
Regardless if I think they will read it, I sent my emails to the 3 of them. We all are anxious waiting for this decision, it certainly doesn’t hurt anything to make our opinions known.