So all of you thought Dan Morgan and Larry Scott would...

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Last time i checked Philbin and Folden staph remeains, along with the loser mentality they drilled intonthe players. U too stupid to figure that though
I'm still blaming Golden, they didn't change systems and they kept Doritos.. So yes, golden still gets credit for yesterday,
When Butch takes over we gonna be fine
turn the teams around.

ya'll even were on these guys when they got on a few wins saying it was "diffrent".

Larrry Scott said "let looose" and you guys went all ape **** like a bunch of teenage girls.

You guys refuse to blame players but keep blaming the coaches.

Dan Morgan had a couple wins and you thought it was because of the coaching change.

Now with losses and the teams looking back to normal, you will begin to blame the coaches once again.

Mark my words when Butch is hired you will look for a coach on the staff and use him as a scapegoat. you will blame anyone but butch.

Any other coach will be run out of Miami and called not Miami Caliber. You will say the useusal stuff like "he doesn't know S.FL!!!"

So when does Jimbo leave FSU?? I smell Texas paying big money for him???
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