SIAP D.Porter JR. Video

Porter is probably one of those players that is quietly better than we(fans) think he is... and we'll all be shocked when he's pegged as an early round pick in a year.
I can’t lie coach if he doesn’t run a good time they’ll drop him like they do all of the good tape corners with slow 40s
DPJ at Field
DHill at Boundary

Then just go Nickel by committee & the CB group could be enough to hold the fort for the season.
What are your thoughts on demari brown? Is he one of the nickels or you have him outside?
What are your thoughts on demari brown? Is he one of the nickels or you have him outside?
I'm not a fan tbh, don't think he has the speed or Footwork to play consistent enough outside to be left on his own.

I think he could be serviceable at Nickel in a rotation between he & Stafford depending on the sub-package.