Show me the Money SEC split 300million


Jan 14, 2012
Do anyone know Hurricanes split from being a member of Atlantic Coast Conf.
I think it 9 million or 14 million this year, I'm not sure...

SEC: Record $309.6 million will be distributed to 14 schools
Commissioner Mike Slive announced Friday that the Southeastern Conference will distribute a record $309.6 million to its 14 schools. The dollar figure is based on the revenue sharing plan for the 2013-14 fiscal year which ends August 31, 2014.

The $309.6 million includes $292.8 million distributed from the conference office, as well as $16.8 million dollars of contracted revenue retained by institutions that participated in 2013-14 bowl games.

The average amount distributed from the SEC office, excluding bowl money retained by participating teams, is slightly over $20.9 million per school.

Revenue streams represented in the distribution include football TV contracts, the SEC Football Championship game, televised basketball games, the SEC Men’s Basketball Tournament, NCAA Championships and a supplemental surplus distribution.

Revenues derived by member institutions from their local media packages are also not included in the total amount.

The $309.6 million continues a trend of ballooning revenue. Only five years ago, the SEC distributed $165.9 million to its schools. That number rose in 2010 ($233.3 million), 2011 ($248.1 million), 2012 ($256.9 million) and 2013 ($304.7 million).

This is why I constantly say it's a completely different game than even 10 years ago. This number could go up $20-30 million PER SCHOOL once the SEC network gets up and running.

@Andy_Staples: Here's your annual SEC revenue breakdown: $309.6 million distributed. That's up from $165.9 million in 2009.
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We're not going to join the SEC, so we need to worry about strengthening the ACC. Then we'll start to collect the bigger paychecks. That's why I had no issue with FSU keeping the seat warm for us, instead of another SEC team.
Athletes are getting paid with the opportunity to go to college, which for a lot of our inner city student athletes, is an opportunity they would never have otherwise.


If the school is making $22 mil off the team, the players should be getting somewhere in the ballpark of half of that. Thats the industry standard, give or take, among the labor unions in pro sports. These kids are getting concussed for these good ole boy sacks of **** to get rich and not seeing a dime of it.