(RUMOR) Joe Brady hired

Well apparently I’m not obnoxious enough since you’re making a post about it instead of putting me on ignore so you don’t have to see anything I post like any other grown adult.

Grown adults shouldn't need to put other grown adults on ignore. You bring a lot to the table Z, you really do, if you just dialed it back at times. You are just as quick to fire shots at others as you are to pat yourself on the back for being the smartest guy in the thread who's always right. A little advice from an older guy......it's ok to be wrong and humble once in a while, it builds character AND respect. Now maybe with your background and current situation in life you don’t feel you need to and I can go to ****…..life choices my dude. True respected insiders don't have to tell others they are insiders. For any regular poster, it's pretty obvious. Receipts are all over this place. It's like telling the 10 in a room of 5's that she's hot. She knows. Those who know about you understand the links to some football information you may get at times but you also throw around a lot of what appears to be opinions or theories. Just something to think about.

As a nobody, I’ll go back to my corner. The anticipation of this staff and recruiting has me juiced!
You guys are being to hard on him. He hears good stuff but much like me has simply learned the hard way to keep stuff to himself. Y'all notice I haven't bothered on anything but this Mario topic and that's because for the few paying attention I told y'all about this day more than 3 years ago. I followed up this off-season and told y'all about what was going on and than again when he was losing close how it was viewed and the fact it would take a semenhole loss to send him on his way. That's the only reason I've spoke on this is to make sure y'all understood the ONE IMPORTANT TOPIC. The rest just isn't relevant.
Ayo, Dee i got AF secret clearance. So if u ever wanna get **** off of your chest throw that **** this way bro, lol. I really do mean that **** too.
I didn’t say that tho lol . You were asking how good he is with no talent advantage . Can we agree that LSU was talented , but didn’t have a talent ADVANTAGE in those games ?
2020 NFL Draft

LSU -14
Alabama - 9
Grown adults shouldn't need to put other grown adults on ignore. You bring a lot to the table Z, you really do, if you just dialed it back at times. You are just as quick to fire shots at others as you are to pat yourself on the back for being the smartest guy in the thread who's always right. A little advice from an older guy......it's ok to be wrong and humble once in a while, it builds character AND respect. Now maybe with your background and current situation in life you don’t feel you need to and I can go to ****…..life choices my dude. True respected insiders don't have to tell others they are insiders. For any regular poster, it's pretty obvious. Receipts are all over this place. It's like telling the 10 in a room of 5's that she's hot. She knows. Those who know about you understand the links to some football information you may get at times but you also throw around a lot of what appears to be opinions or theories. Just something to think about.

As a nobody, I’ll go back to my corner. The anticipation of this staff and recruiting has me juiced!
Oh trust I do hold back. I don’t bump threads. I stopped even starting threads. Me and the mods have PMs about it too. They know posters( and who they are) do this type of stuff to other posters that actually bring stuff to the board but said posters go and yell freedom of speech so I have to tone it down more. I was ALOT worse in ‘17 and ‘18 when I was 21/22 if you remember. I appreciate this btw.

I don’t even want to talk about that anymore. This thread is a about Brady and what he could bring.
So you posted stuff in 2021 (when you finally mentioned David Epstein and Carol Soffer) about what happened in 2018 (which plenty of other people have known about for years) and that makes you an "insider"?

OK then.

Who tf told you that Epstein was the one that went behind Soffer’s back in ‘18??? Who’s the one that kept telling you guys that there was infighting and cribby confirmed it? Where do you think I got that? My magic 8 ball?

I’m sure the maudes can happily confirm that for you if you’d like…
Oh now everybody knew…right

@RVACane Exactly what I said in the group chat.
If you're flat out rejecting Brady as OC then you're crazy. But it's okay to have some concerns. At the very least, you'll want to surround him with some very experienced coaches:

OC / WR / Passing Game Coordinator - Joe Brady
Co-OC / QB - Jake Peetz or Matt Mumme or Jason Beck
Co-OC / RB / Running Game Coordinator - Jajuan Seider
Assoc HC / OL - Alex Mirabal
TE / ST - Bobby Williams

A staff like this would be really solid and should sure up any concerns with Brady.

Once you have the OC title, the PGC title goes away. The specialized coordinators work for you.
I’m greedy and obviously wishful thinking but if we could lure in Seider some how, man ...
Last time his name came up rumors out of State College were he would only move again for a coordinator job.

Now maybe things have changed since it’s been a few years and they barely run the ball these days. Doesn’t hurt to ask Lol.
It was fake news man, That offense was Brady.. Ensminger is a lsu alum, played QB for them and a lifer on coaching side.. Was longest tenured coach. Fans wanted him fired prior but Coach O didnt do it. How come he never had that offense prior? He had all these great calls and ideas and only saved them for when Brady arrived? Lets critical think here man.. He was there with Odell, Jarvis, Blue and co and they never did anything like that, stuck in pro style purgatory. Coach O wasnt gonna embarrass him when Brady started getting showered with praise.. Dude was on record saying Brady calls redzone, hurryup, when they go spread, when they go compact, 3rd down, etc..

All in different articles, saying Brady talked to Burrow when he came off the field, he communicated with Burrow during games, not Ensminger, Brady leaves and offense goes back to where it was before he arrived and then Great Ensminger was "retired" to analyst.. Lots of politics involved with a coach/alum like that.. Lets not get confused, no one was giving Ensminger awards, money, HC offers, NFL OC offers, but only on CIS it was really him, lol..

I feel all that.

So everybody lies to say Esminger calls plays? **** worse has happened at LSU so I won’t doubt it. It makes sense. As a young guy looking for a break, you can see why Brady would accept that situation short term.

I was thinking more along the lines that Brady planned and taught the offense and Esminger could call a good game based on what Brady had prepared. Without Brady, he wouldn’t be anywhere near effective enough to do it own his own.

Seems like a lot of deception to protect an underperforming alum. I know how politics can get in sports but going to that length is a bit over the top. Thanks for the insight.
Grown adults shouldn't need to put other grown adults on ignore. You bring a lot to the table Z, you really do, if you just dialed it back at times. You are just as quick to fire shots at others as you are to pat yourself on the back for being the smartest guy in the thread who's always right. A little advice from an older guy......it's ok to be wrong and humble once in a while, it builds character AND respect. Now maybe with your background and current situation in life you don’t feel you need to and I can go to ****…..life choices my dude. True respected insiders don't have to tell others they are insiders. For any regular poster, it's pretty obvious. Receipts are all over this place. It's like telling the 10 in a room of 5's that she's hot. She knows. Those who know about you understand the links to some football information you may get at times but you also throw around a lot of what appears to be opinions or theories. Just something to think about.

As a nobody, I’ll go back to my corner. The anticipation of this staff and recruiting has me juiced!

I f'ing love 10's. That is all.

hot girl si swimsuit 2017 GIF by Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Oh, it's "noted".

Look, I don't have a problem with you on a personal level. We are cool.

I just don't think it is right to claim "insider" status when it isn't true, and I think it is hilarious when you cite a well-known three year old story and then ask for the moderators to validate your parking.

Settle down, and realize that you can't give yourself a nickname, T-Bone.

And you can't call yourself an "insider" on a three-year-old story. What were you saving it for, a rainy day?

If you want to be an Insider, just report the news in a timely fashion, don't type up a list of legitimate insiders and then toss in a "Me and".

We're cool.

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Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF by AOK
I’ll just chime in real quick:

Saban was a monster in college, sucked in the NFL, and came back like he never left.

Kingsbury sucked as a HC in CFB, but now he’s got the Cardinals w/ the best record in The NFL

Mel Tucker sucked as a DC in the NFL, and now he’s a successful P5 HC, having his team play tough.

The point is everyone is not a Pete Carroll, Jim Harbaugh…some guys r a better fit in the collegiate game than the pro game & vise versa.

What I saw was Burrow go from a pedestrian QB in 2018, to the 1st pick of the 2020 draft after 2019.
Two different qb’s. Guy went from basic to all world over night.
It was fake news man, That offense was Brady.. Ensminger is a lsu alum, played QB for them and a lifer on coaching side.. Was longest tenured coach. Fans wanted him fired prior but Coach O didnt do it. How come he never had that offense prior? He had all these great calls and ideas and only saved them for when Brady arrived? Lets critical think here man.. He was there with Odell, Jarvis, Blue and co and they never did anything like that, stuck in pro style purgatory. Coach O wasnt gonna embarrass him when Brady started getting showered with praise.. Dude was on record saying Brady calls redzone, hurryup, when they go spread, when they go compact, 3rd down, etc..

All in different articles, saying Brady talked to Burrow when he came off the field, he communicated with Burrow during games, not Ensminger, Brady leaves and offense goes back to where it was before he arrived and then Great Ensminger was "retired" to analyst.. Lots of politics involved with a coach/alum like that.. Lets not get confused, no one was giving Ensminger awards, money, HC offers, NFL OC offers, but only on CIS it was really him, lol..
I stand corrected lol. Just hate that we'll be possibly taking him after the failed NFL OC experience. True lots of guys fail in the NFL and then excel in college but most of those are head coaches, not coordinators. Generally speaking, coordinators either have it or they don't, regardless of level.