(RUMOR) Joe Brady hired

I was shocked when I found out he didn’t call the LSU offense in 2019.

There are still a lot of unknowns with him. But when he showed up, that team transformed.

Mu phuckers laughing at my post to bring Esminger in too, but what we know as a FACT is that TOGETHER, they produced a historic college offense.

NEITHER has done anything on their own to warrant the type of money we are looking to spend on a big time offensive coordinator.
It was fake news man, That offense was Brady.. Ensminger is a lsu alum, played QB for them and a lifer on coaching side.. Was longest tenured coach. Fans wanted him fired prior but Coach O didnt do it. How come he never had that offense prior? He had all these great calls and ideas and only saved them for when Brady arrived? Lets critical think here man.. He was there with Odell, Jarvis, Blue and co and they never did anything like that, stuck in pro style purgatory. Coach O wasnt gonna embarrass him when Brady started getting showered with praise.. Dude was on record saying Brady calls redzone, hurryup, when they go spread, when they go compact, 3rd down, etc..

All in different articles, saying Brady talked to Burrow when he came off the field, he communicated with Burrow during games, not Ensminger, Brady leaves and offense goes back to where it was before he arrived and then Great Ensminger was "retired" to analyst.. Lots of politics involved with a coach/alum like that.. Lets not get confused, no one was giving Ensminger awards, money, HC offers, NFL OC offers, but only on CIS it was really him, lol..
You guys are being to hard on him. He hears good stuff but much like me has simply learned the hard way to keep stuff to himself. Y'all notice I haven't bothered on anything but this Mario topic and that's because for the few paying attention I told y'all about this day more than 3 years ago. I followed up this off-season and told y'all about what was going on and than again when he was losing close how it was viewed and the fact it would take a semenhole loss to send him on his way. That's the only reason I've spoke on this is to make sure y'all understood the ONE IMPORTANT TOPIC. The rest just isn't relevant.
I remember.

I'm sorry you have to be on crack to say a statement as asinine as this. You just said, and I quote "Probably no one (wants Joe Brady)...other than Miami."

I'm all for freedom of speech...until the freedom of speech is completely ludicrous, frankly embarrassing lack of knowledge. You seriously can't say you know football if you think NO ONE wants Joe Brady. I guarantee you over 90% of college coaches in the country would swap out Brady for their own OC's right now.

Lmao. Multiple national college football guys said Brady could choose whatever college OC job he wanted when he was fired by the Panthers.
If I had to make a list of first-time playcallers who didn't work out in the last three years, I wouldn't be done in an hour.

Also, he's not a first-time playcaller. He called plays for the first time at Carolina and he failed.

The most important role of any OC is playcalling. It's more important than scheme, I'd argue.
I would not agree with that at all. Scheme / game prep - allows you to call plays with a plan in mind. Like in the run game - If you are getting beat up front it doesn't really matter what run plays you call - it is all a struggle. If you are winning up front you can look like a genius because everything is working.
Brady got exposed in the NFL but it doesn’t mean he is complete failure. The NFL is a different beast that Brady wasn’t prepared for and that is ok.

I’m not 100% sold on him just based of 1 year at LSU but with the talent we have on this team and the competition in the ACC. He can get real close to matching that 2019 LSU offense.
Lmao. Multiple national college football guys said Brady could choose whatever college OC job he wanted when he was fired by the Panthers.

Wow you guys really cant decipher sarcasm... like its some 18 dimension rubiks cube. GTFOH. Everyone knows dude will have offers coming out of the woodwork.
Yeah, it's a departure from his usual OCs - right @Liberty City El ?

I like Brady and I think a year in the pros provided some real good training. Hopefully he got a lot of on-the-job training there instead of here. lol

That said, I do worry about his youth and inexperience at situational playcalling. Between the 20s, I'm sure he'll be fine. Curious how we'll use our RBs with him as OC.
Yeah, that same article I read said he was struggling with halftime adjustments. Carolina is only averaging 2.1 points in the 3rd, last in the nfl.
Brady got exposed in the NFL but it doesn’t mean he is complete failure. The NFL is a different beast that Brady wasn’t prepared for and that is ok.

I’m not 100% sold on him just based of 1 year at LSU but with the talent we have on this team and the competition in the ACC. He can get real close to matching that 2019 LSU offense.
You’re not 100% sold on him, but also think he can get real close to bringing this offense up to one of the greatest of all time?
If you're flat out rejecting Brady as OC then you're crazy. But it's okay to have some concerns. At the very least, you'll want to surround him with some very experienced coaches:

OC / WR / Passing Game Coordinator - Joe Brady
Co-OC / QB - Jake Peetz or Matt Mumme or Jason Beck
Co-OC / RB / Running Game Coordinator - Jajuan Seider
Assoc HC / OL - Alex Mirabal
TE / ST - Bobby Williams

A staff like this would be really solid and should sure up any concerns with Brady.
To all the who think Brady isn't the goods...

Q. How do you decide on what you want to do in the red zone each time?
STEVE ENSMINGER: Look, I have a game plan that's sitting right here. I'll be honest with you here. When we get in the red zone, 12 in, that's Joe Brady. Unless I want to run a play-action, go fast, we'll go. When we get inside the 12, I tell Joe, It's yours and he calls it.

Q. How talented is someone like Joe Brady at his age?
STEVE ENSMINGER: Sky's the limit. Sky's the limit, no doubt about it. I've told him. He's a **** of a lot smarter than I am, okay? But I told him, Hey, you remind me of me. When I was 30 years old, I was passing game coordinator at Georgia calling the plays. He walked in, he has brought so much to this offense. I'm proud of him because he's a humble guy just like I am.

Every credential and every award he has achieved he deserves. But he's so humble about it, I appreciate him.
Brady got exposed in the NFL but it doesn’t mean he is complete failure. The NFL is a different beast that Brady wasn’t prepared for and that is ok.

I’m not 100% sold on him just based of 1 year at LSU but with the talent we have on this team and the competition in the ACC. He can get real close to matching that 2019 LSU offense.
How did he get exposed exactly, besides what you've read from Rhules mouth.
You’re not 100% sold on him, but also think he can get real close to bringing this offense up to one of the greatest of all time?

I think it’s ok for me not to be 100% sold on someone with one year of college tape and 2 bad years of NFL tape.

Lashlee had TVD throwing over 300 a game while forcing the run game. I think Brady philosophy could have TVD throwing 400-500 a game against a weak coastal. The stats can easily be matched. Pitt QB killed the ACC this year. I don’t see nothing that special about him, plus his weapons don’t compare to what we have on the team.

But it’s games like Clemson & Texas A&M where the doubts kicks in. When we don’t have the talent advantage, is he good enough?