(RUMOR) Joe Brady hired

I have some ideas. But honestly I'd REALLY HOPE NO ONE chimes in on this. You guys need to be able to simply sit back and enjoy the process when you know you can trust your coach to do what's right by the program. Just be patient. You guys will be fine brother. @Cribby I'd hope you'd approach this the same. But obviously I ain't trying to tell you how to do u brother. Just think we need to button things up a lil so people can simply enjoy the process and who we eventually hire without hearing all kinds of excess names to build or lessen expectations.

Can a brotha get a hint?

Speculation is part of the fun!
So let’s do a blind resume

2 years of NFL OC ACTUAL play calling experience say what you will but that’s the biggest of leagues against the best players and coaching

1 year on the staff game planning, maybe calling plays on the most prolific offense CFB has ever seen

And prior to that was under Sean Peyton learning from the best

Yeah sign him up…. We’ve hired WAYYYY worse
I have some ideas. But honestly I'd REALLY HOPE NO ONE chimes in on this. You guys need to be able to simply sit back and enjoy the process when you know you can trust your coach to do what's right by the program. Just be patient. You guys will be fine brother. @Cribby I'd hope you'd approach this the same. But obviously I ain't trying to tell you how to do u brother. Just think we need to button things up a lil so people can simply enjoy the process and who we eventually hire without hearing all kinds of excess names to build or lessen expectations.
I need to get ready to drop dem gifs, huh Cane....

Okay, warming up again

he can be great, my only point is he hasn't been yet. you're getting way too defensive pal. If he's a family friend then I haven't shown any disrespect.

however i'm not going to sit here and pretend he's been excellent after watching him call plays for the last two years either.

I hope we get him and I hope he kills it, just saying there are question marks. I get that you have rose colored glasses on, but nothing I'm saying is biased or unfair.

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I mean the Carolina isn’t special outside of Mcaffery. Oline blows. DJ Moore is above average. No TE and robbery Anderson is a dead mans desean Jackson lol
So let’s do a blind resume

2 years of NFL OC ACTUAL play calling experience say what you will but that’s the biggest of leagues against the best players and coaching

1 year on the staff game planning, maybe calling plays on the most prolific offense CFB has ever seen

And prior to that was under Sean Peyton learning from the best

Yeah sign him up…. We’ve hired WAYYYY worse
*1.5 years of NFL OC actual play calling.