(RUMOR) Joe Brady hired

Disagree No Way GIF by VH1
Let me make it up and I'll leave it at this:

Lmao wut. I guess cause Manny hired Enos he’s a good coach!

Ryan Day hired Kerry Coombs, so he must be a good coach.

Any coach who’s ever been hired is a good coach by virtue of the fact that someone hired them.

No coach has ever made a bad hire before!

But again… I don’t think Brady would be a bad hire. He deserves some credit for LSU. He has potential. But other realistic OCs have better resumes.

Umm what?
None of us who are questioning Brady are ignoring his work at LSU. We're just simply pointing out that his contribution has been overstated by many in the media and many on this board.

Pros at LSU:
- He modernized Esminger's scheme
- He helped gameplan
- I believe he called a few plays, but not many

He did not, however, and I repeat for emphasis, HE DID NOT CALL PLAYS. Instead he helped gameplan for the most stacked offensive roster in CFB history. His only playcalling experience was at Carolina and he failed rather spectacularly.

Hopefully his scheme is more effective in college. Hopefully he's learned from his mistakes in Carolina. Hopefully Carolina's talent really held him back.

But again, just to be clear: Joe Brady has never once had a successful season as a play-caller. Not one **** time. Hopefully he'll be good here at UM, but to make him out as some sort of automatic hire just does not comport with the facts one bit.
Ensmiger said Brady called red zone plays in this article. That’s a decent responsibility in play calling. https://247sports.com/college/lsu/L...-Orleans-Steve-Ensminger-interview-142080486/
Correct... He did Red Zone offense inside the 12 , 3rd downs and other packages that Ensminger allowed Brady to call on his own...
I watched an uninformed Youtuber ramble about this subject last night and blast posters trying to correct him... Embarrassing...
I have no idea if he is coming, will be good or what, but he did a little more than what people have said. He was also the on field coach that talked with Burrow about what he was seeing… you know, coaching.
Whipple did resign from Pitt today. He did a pretty **** good job there. But wont be at their bowl, and they say stepped down unexpectedly for family reasons. So- Him coming to Miami doesnt seem plasusble right now although wouldnt be a bad hire, but Hey Im joining the Brady Bunch for Lunch!

Rumored to be going to Nebraska.
Brady is a terrific OC who got a bad break in the NFL.

His quarterbacks are terrible, the head coach is also an offensive kind with some different ideas in how to run an offense, his best player got hurt in back to back seasons, and they don’t have a legitimate no. 1 wide receiver (don’t even get me started on the panthers right ends).

I’m not sure there are many better options available. My only concern is he would absolutely be a short term hire. So was lashlee, though
Do you have any idea who else he’s interested in when it comes to filling out the staff, specifically DC?
I have some ideas. But honestly I'd REALLY HOPE NO ONE chimes in on this. You guys need to be able to simply sit back and enjoy the process when you know you can trust your coach to do what's right by the program. Just be patient. You guys will be fine brother. @Cribby I'd hope you'd approach this the same. But obviously I ain't trying to tell you how to do u brother. Just think we need to button things up a lil so people can simply enjoy the process and who we eventually hire without hearing all kinds of excess names to build or lessen expectations.