Rosier. Greentree AA


Jan 16, 2012
I think he is the greatest practice player we have ever had. He knows our D inside and out. It allows him to make all the right reads in practice. I think it even allows him to know right where to go with the ball. However when the bright lights turn on he freezes. He holds the ball too long, because he is unsure where to go with it. He doesn’t check out of bad plays because he’s not actually seeing the game. More proof of his inability to read the D is when he hands off a read option to a guy that gets buried, or when he keeps and the DE crushes him. That’s just a bad decision, that dude was never going at the back so let him have it there. This is why I think he’s the greatest of Greentree AAs ever!

It’s time to take our chances with the players with the most talent. Or even the guy that moves the offense best, N’Kosi or Weldon I don’t care. But it’s time for someone else
I think he is the greatest practice player we have ever had. He knows our D inside and out. It allows him to make all the right reads in practice. I think it even allows him to know right where to go with the ball. However when the bright lights turn on he freezes. He holds the ball too long, because he is unsure where to go with it. He doesn’t check out of bad plays because he’s not actually seeing the game. More proof of his inability to read the D is when he hands off a read option to a guy that gets buried, or when he keeps and the DE crushes him. That’s just a bad decision, that dude was never going at the back so let him have it there. This is why I think he’s the greatest of Greentree AAs ever!

It’s time to take our chances with the players with the most talent. Or even the guy that moves the offense best, N’Kosi or Weldon I don’t care. But it’s time for someone else

The man throws bounce passes at practice too. He's, at best, a Greentree All-ACC Dishonorable Discharge.