Robert Woodus - RIP

That crash was awful. As I recall, the muck in the everglades was so thick that plane basically disappeared andwas buried in the silty muck, making recovery efforts essentially futile.

That is correct. Outside of drowning and burning, dieing in a plane crash seems like one of the worst ways to go. Seconds or minutes of sheer terror as you realize you're plummeting to your death.

Agree. Not like you getting shot or burned alive and in your head you might be thinking I have a shot to live through this if I am really lucky and highly favored by God..If you are nose diving in an airplane at God knows what speed...that has got to be the most "come to Jesus" moment in anyone's life.

RIP to everyone in that crash esp RW.

You want everyone who died in a place crash to have peace but one guy in particular to have more peace because he played for your favorite football team?
Rule of thumb: when you're going to be hurtling through space at 500 miles an hour, thousands of feet in the air, sitting on top of thousands of gallons of flammable jet fuel, with a quarter inch of aluminum between you and eternity, it's best not to entrust an airline with the word Value in it and a cartoon plane as its mascot.

In grad school I did a case study on the ValuJet crash and basically what caused it was a fire in the luggage/cargo bay caused by oxygen cannisters that weren't properly secured. The canisters are used to deploy the oxygen masks that come down when a plane loses cabin pressure. The pins which cause the firing mechanism weren't properly secured and during takeoff the mini explosion that happens in the cans created sparks which caught onto a cardboard box that the canisters were stored in. ValuJet went the cheap route and used a subcontracter who hired unqualified/inexperienced workers. The fire started in the box and spread to nearby rubber tires being stored and to the electrical wires, which spread black smoke into the cabin. This all happened within about 20 minutes after takeoff. Most people know that because of what happened ValuJet was indefinitely grounded by the FAA and eventually went out of business. What they don't know is that they simply re-branded themselves and emerged as AirTran.
That crash was awful. As I recall, the muck in the everglades was so thick that plane basically disappeared andwas buried in the silty muck, making recovery efforts essentially futile.

That is correct. Outside of drowning and burning, dieing in a plane crash seems like one of the worst ways to go. Seconds or minutes of sheer terror as you realize you're plummeting to your death.

Best way to die is probably fast beheading, like the guillotine. Not slow way like ISIS. Take the old Europeans like the French, not Muslims, everytime.