Reilly Gibbons Game Highlights

These two plays are worth more than that whole video in the OP, IMO.

Varsity versus JV highlight reels dont show me much. lol

Only two clips, but the only thing I remember seeing on him in a camp environment:

This kid is impressive!!! This O Line class could go down as the best group ever, all of these guys are not only talented but extremely hard working.
my favorite part is kicks the #40's *** all game guy gives him a cheap shot so he goes out throws him all over the field again. Slams him and then helps him up. That is better then cheap shooting the guy back.
Been fairly vocal that he's one of my favorites in this class. Has so much potential.
Wow. Kind of thought of him as nice add-on to KC and Trevor. Now it looks like we have 3 beasts heading this way with bad intentions Just think, with what we have already, all three could redshirt and KC is EE(Is Darling?). What the **** will they look like then? I have image of that monster machine in Death Race coming out of hiding. I love the guys we haave but these new kids just seem mean. I like that. Olsen must be jumping for joy thinking about how clean his unifroms will be for the postagme interviews. Kaaya sitting there laughing at anyone thinking he is going elsewhere. No wonder Yearby is always smiling when he looks at Cook.
He is straight abusing those lil guys out there... love it... that #40 around the 1:34 mark was funny... hitting gibbons in the back and running by real quick.... punk... hahaha

Oh my god I'm still laughing. I knew that lil **** was gonna do that and I was hoping Reilly was going to turn around at the last second and pancake his *** lol.