Ranking Recruits


All day cane
Jul 19, 2016
While I am somewhat new to following recruiting as closely as I am now, I have made one observation regarding recruiting sites ranking recruits. We see jumps and drops for recruits that don't seem to make sense, on a regular basis. My thoughts on this, and I am sorry if this has been written before on this board.

These recruiting websites increase the value of the recruit based upon their thoughts on how the player will be coached (based upon his recruiting leans) in addition to the obvious other factors of speed, etc. I see how once someone commits to The U they lose stars or rankings. For me this made perfect sense, we have had terrible coaches for so long that if we got a 4 star player we could easily coach them down to a 2 star player. How many players from The U blossom once they got away from Golden, Shannon and Coker. While the same player under a good coach would excel while in college.

The recruiting services get paid by being right. Well, if I was judged based upon how I looked 2-3 years down the road I would certainly take how they will be coached and utilized when in college into serious account. If Ed Reed played under Golden who the **** knows what could have happened to one of the GOAT canes.

I predict this will change with the coaching staff we have currently. The players we have will start to fulfill potential and even exceed it, hence they should get ratings bumps once they commit here.

Time will tell...
Good points - and this class we did have players gain stars after they committed to Richt, likely proving your theory right.
I don't know about all of that. There's a school of thought that some of it is favoritism towards some schools and bias against others and it has to do with subscriptions sold and which fan bases are supporting these services through subscription purchases.
That's BS...a kid gains or loses his rankings based on the school they commit to. For example if a certain school has alot of subscribers that kid will get a bump ie.FSU...if a kid that had a high value but is not getting any power 5 schools to recruit him...he will probably drop, because the sites are driven off money like everything else in this world...and sometime kids don't go to the camps, but that us when tapes of these kids games need to be utilized.
That's BS...a kid gains or loses his rankings based on the school they commit to. For example if a certain school has alot of subscribers that kid will get a bump ie.FSU...if a kid that had a high value but is not getting any power 5 schools to recruit him...he will probably drop, because the sites are driven off money like everything else in this world...and sometime kids don't go to the camps, but that us when tapes of these kids games need to be utilized.

I tend to agree with this school of thought. The OP does make some valid points though.
From what I can tell, I think most of these so-called recruiting sites are basing their ratings on the number of offers and their opinion on the caliber of those offers. Measurables and pedigree factor in as well, but I don't think these sites are doing any meaningful film study, talking to coaches, scrutinizing the level of competition the recruits face, or showing up to camps to watch these kids.

Are you a HS junior with 30+ offers and nearly all of those offers are P5 schools? Congrats, you get 4 stars. Do you also have great measurables, a father/brother/cousin who played in "the league," and offers from at least five schools from the cesspool of Alabama, Ohio State, Texas, Michigan, FSU, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, and Florida? Congrats, you get 5 stars.

In that regard, these sites' "opinion" of a recruit has more to do with perceived top programs' collective perceptions of recruits and the most rudimentary physical characteristics that may (or may not) indicate some level of athleticism on the part of the recruit. Whether those sites give more stars to recruits leaning towards high-end, P5 cash cows because those schools tend to have more fans willing to throw $$$ their way, or because those schools tend to perform at a high level and so their offers are given more weight is a question we may never know the answer to. Either way, it's just the blind leading the blind.
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In the 2017 cycle, every single FSU recruit got a ranking bump after they committed to FSU.

That's why I laugh at star whores. It's literally impossible for schools like Ohio St, FSU, and Bama to have a bad class
In the 2017 cycle, every single FSU recruit got a ranking bump after they committed to FSU.

That's why I laugh at star whores. It's literally impossible for schools like Ohio St, FSU, and Bama to have a bad class

Causation vs correlation.
D.J Johnson, Jonathan Garvin, Ev Njoku and Mike Harley got bumps late last cycle when it was apparent they were all Canes one way or another.

The alleged anti UM bias is a narrative.
In the 2017 cycle, every single FSU recruit got a ranking bump after they committed to FSU.

That's why I laugh at star whores. It's literally impossible for schools like Ohio St, FSU, and Bama to have a bad class

Can you prove this? Even if true, one team and one cycle doesn't prove a correlation
In the 2017 cycle, every single FSU recruit got a ranking bump after they committed to FSU.

That's why I laugh at star whores. It's literally impossible for schools like Ohio St, FSU, and Bama to have a bad class

Can you prove this? Even if true, one team and one cycle doesn't prove a correlation

Lingard dropped a star on ESPN and Rivals after committing to us. 247 usually keeps it real.
In the 2017 cycle, every single FSU recruit got a ranking bump after they committed to FSU.

That's why I laugh at star whores. It's literally impossible for schools like Ohio St, FSU, and Bama to have a bad class

Can you prove this? Even if true, one team and one cycle doesn't prove a correlation

Lingard dropped a star on ESPN and Rivals after committing to us. 247 usually keeps it real.
****, both devices updated their rankings as soon as we got a commit? That's power right there.
In the 2017 cycle, every single FSU recruit got a ranking bump after they committed to FSU.

That's why I laugh at star whores. It's literally impossible for schools like Ohio St, FSU, and Bama to have a bad class

Can you prove this? Even if true, one team and one cycle doesn't prove a correlation

Lingard dropped a star on ESPN and Rivals after committing to us. 247 usually keeps it real.

He's always been a *4 on those 2 sites...Rivals does have him #16 overall which will make him a 5*.
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D.J Johnson, Jonathan Garvin, Ev Njoku and Mike Harley got bumps late last cycle when it was apparent they were all Canes one way or another.

The alleged anti UM bias is a narrative.
Wrong, I have over 3700 subscriptions to those various ranking sites in the last 3 months. I am the reason for their rating bump.
Very good point about how they will be coached. It's not all based on that of course, but that would probably help to explain why several of our guys got late bumps when they almost certainly wouldn't have under Golden (I think they deserved it for sure, just saying Golden's recruits didn't tend to get those late bumps IIRC).

Honestly, though, sometimes I do think they take it too far with teams like Bama. They're so good because the COLLECTION of so much top talent imo. For example, their secondary hasn't been very impressive at all against good QBs the last few years, and isn't Saban mostly credited with coaching those DBs? Could be wrong on that last part, but still think it's a valid point regardless.