Randall Hill said "Butch told him he wants to be coach"

Lots of good candidates. Our B list guys have been head coaches in the NFL. I know there is a ton of anxiety, but we just need to let this play out. Or at least stay cool until we hear some real buzz. If I am Miami, Davis and Schiano have a tiny extra plus because they can start recruiting and putting together a staff immediately.

“Think about it and put yourself in my shoes,” former Dolphins and Hurricanes wide receiver Randal Hill said on CBS Sports Radio’s Ferrall on the Bench. “You’re talking about somebody who played at University of Miami, I met my wife at the University of Miami, my mom and dad did their masters degree there, my grandmother worked in the cafeteria there. And believe it or not, I know who was flying the plane (with the banners). . . . A lot of fans and are so disenchanted. There were several fans that were online and they were actually displaying the University of Miami logo upside down – kind of in distress. And I said to them, ‘Listen, you had a lot of guys who brought five national titles to the university, who gave it their all. Do me a little bit of a favor and show some respect, and please do not fly or display the University of Miami logo upside down.’”

After weeks and months of anger and frustration and anti- Al Golden plane banners, Hurricanes fans have finally gotten their wish. Golden is gone – and, in the end, he probably had to be. Miami’s 58-0 loss to Clemson this past weekend was, in a word, embarrassing.

That’s fair, but with Golden officially out, where do the Canes go from here?

“Well, I know that a lot of fans, a lot of former players, either want to see Rob Chudzinki or Butch Davis in that position,” Hill said. “I’ve talked to Butch. We’ve talked one-on-one. He has said he wants to be the head coach there. But historically when you look at how the University of Miami has chosen its coaches, they’ve never gone out and attempted to satisfy but they’ve never really satisfied the fans or the former players in who they’ve selected. I mean, Jimmy Johnson was one of the greatest coaches of all time at the University of Miami. But after Howard Schnellenberger left, the fans and the players wanted someone else, and then when Jimmy Johnson left, everybody wanted Gary Stevens but they bring in Dennis Erickson. So a lot of times the University of Miami supporters do not get exactly what they want.”

Scott Ferrall threw out Justin Fuente, one of the top young coaches in America, but Hill wasn’t a fan of that suggestion.

“Are you kidding me?” he said. “No, listen, I bleed orange and green when you talk about Butch Davis, when you talk about Rob Chudzinski. They have equity at the University of Miami. This is a legendary school. This is a historic school when you talk about winning national titles (and) changing the face of college football. We were the guys who, when you think you had all the answers about the University of Miami, we re-wrote the questions. That is the University of Miami, and that’s what we should try to get back to. . . . You know South Florida. You can’t come down here and be successful unless you understand South Florida.”
That article sucked ballz

Dude basically said either Butch or Chud "the dud". Then he talks about how they probably won't hire Butch, which leaves us with Chud "the dud".

NO ******* THANKS!
That article sucked ballz

Dude basically said either Butch or Chud "the dud". Then he talks about how they probably won't hire Butch, which leaves us with Chud "the dud".


Exactly. Moreover...

The article really was about him and his extended history with the University of Miami, and about disrespectful FANS. AND UM won't listen to these disrespectful fans who clamor for Butch Davis. Funny how he put Chud before Butch, right along leaving us 'with Chud' as some viable alternative. Dude didn't say one complimentary thing about Butch, except implying Butch understands So. Fla. ****, but so did Onion.
Former players are all about the "Miami man" thing.

Did you hear Ed Reed's justification for earning an interview as HC? He seriously questioned whether or not there was anything else to coaching other than "managing people".