PSU James Franklin is a Genius in Recruiting


Aug 7, 2012
I would not be surprised to see some Big 5 school approach FIU or FAU to be a camp partner here in S.Fla. It is a good thing UM has been working with them at AG's Camp and the SFFF events. Can you imagine if LSU or Bama decided to partner up on camps down here with FIU/FAU the same days as UM's camp.

Recruiting: James Franklin’s clever idea, and what the Big Ten can learn from it
By Sam McKewon

If Urban Meyer provided a jolt to the somewhat-sleepy culture of Big Ten recruiting, Penn State coach James Franklin just injected a peach-flavored Red Bull.

Franklin wants the Nittany Lions to recruit in SEC territory, so he’s sending his entire staff to Atlanta — to work a fellow FBS program’s camp as guest coaches. Georgia State is hosting the camp, but make no mistake: Penn State intends to profit from it.
“The way the rules are set up, you’re not allowed to have any camp outside of your state, unless you’re on the border and within a 50-mile radius — and a lot of people recruit in Atlanta,” Georgia State coach Trent Miles told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The joint GSU/PSU camp is June 10. “But you can legally work somebody else’s camp. So it’s beneficial to both parties where Penn State can come down here, work our camp, and get to see the kids that they’re recruiting. And it benefits us by the amount of kids that are coming.”

Again: This is within NCAA rules. Nothing to stop Franklin from doing it in any number of states. In a column I wrote just after Signing Day, I suggested Nebraska should consider doing it. It’s relatively cheap to do — you’re flying to one place – and the benefits are seeing the prospects, in person, for a whole day. And remember: You’re not just evaluating the kids for the upcoming class, but the kids for several classes to come. They’ll all show up.

Heck, I’d even advocate a Big Ten-wide combine, technically hosted by some lower-division school near Chicago, where every Big Ten school sends two coaches as guests. How many prospects could three days of camps in Chicago draw, if prospects knew that 14 Big Ten schools would be there?

I suspect a lot. A whole lot. From sea to shining sea. And the added bonuses would be the media coverage, the convergence of recruiting service scouts, and the exposure good prospects had to the Big Ten. It’d be a three-day showcase for Big Ten recruiting.

All it would take are Big Ten schools understanding that, in order to battle the SEC’s inherent recruiting advantage in terms of location, they have to be creative and cooperative.
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They are travelling around the atlanta area to host the camps at 8 different sites so the kids don't have to travel that far, again another stroke of genius to cast a wider net.

Posted: 11:26 pm Saturday, May 3rd, 2014
Georgia State and Penn State to do football camp*together

Georgia State and Penn State have formed a unique partnership in the name of football recruiting.
New Penn State James Franklin and his entire staff will work as guest coaches for Trent Miles Football Camp at Georgia State on June 10.

The radical arrangement appears to be a win-win for both programs: Penn State gets to personally evaluate high school players who would never travel to its camps in Pennsylvania, while Georgia State will get exposure to more high-profile recruits than normal.

“The way the rules are set up, you’re not allowed to have any camp outside of your state, unless you’re on the border and within a 50-mile radius — and a lot of people recruit in Atlanta,” Miles said. “But you can legally work somebody else’s camp.
“So it’s beneficial to both parties where Penn State can come down here, work our camp, and get to see the kids that they’re recruiting. And it benefits us by the amount of kids that are coming.”

It’s common for colleges to permit smaller colleges to attend their camps for evaluations. For example, Georgia State routinely grants access to schools such as LaGrange College and Clark Atlanta.

However, it’s rare (and maybe unprecedented) for colleges to invite a coach from a bigger program because he steals attention away from the host school.

Georgia State and Penn State are both FBS-level schools, but Miles said he’s fine with the situation due to the overall recruiting benefits.

“I don’t worry about being overshadowed by anybody — that’s just not a concern,” he said. “(Franklin’s) ego is not that way, and my ego is not that way.

“We’re not going to recruit the same person, you know? There’s no way. The Sun Belt doesn’t recruit against Penn State. Let’s face it: I’m not competing for kids against Penn State, or Georgia and Alabama. I’m just not. Nor will we ever. It is what it is.
“(This camp) is a big positive for both schools. We’re going to see some great players, and the kids are going to get coached up by two Division I staffs.”

Penn State’s new coach signed 13 Georgia players in 3 years at Vandy (AP)

Penn State has signed one Georgia player in each of its last three recruiting classes, but the Nittany Lions have never had sustained success in the state. That could change under Franklin. Over the last three seasons at Vanderbilt, he signed 13 players from Georgia.

The camp costs $50 per player and will be held at the GSU practice complex.

Miles will have eight one-day camps in June, including road trips to Dalton, Columbus, Macon and Camden County.
“I want to get out around the state to see as many kids from different parts of the state as a I possibly can,” Miles said. “It makes it a lot easier for kids. Rather than kids from Camden County driving all the way up here, I’d rather go down there and take it to them.

“I’d rather take our show to people. It’s a chance to save the kids some gas money, and at the same time, get us out to be able to evaluate them.
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Sorry, I can't understand any of this. Did you type it with Franklin halfway down your throat? It's a jumbled mess.
Sorry, I can't understand any of this. Did you type it with Franklin halfway down your throat? It's a jumbled mess.

It is two separate articles copy and pasted. What is not to understand, it is very simple and straight forward. An if FIU or FAU get a wild hair up their *** and decide to get in bed with a major SEC school to host camps together could become a big problem for Miami.

Imagine Saban and his staff co-hosting a 8 site camp series tour at the major high schools throughout Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties. Or God for bid Urban Meyer were to do this.

Go Canes
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FIU and FAU are not FBS schools so they will not do it. I believe Jacksonville U is however so possibly a school from up a north looking to get into the Jax market would consider it.

This said, I don't see this catching and if it does, NCAA will change the rules more than likely...

Sorry, I can't understand any of this. Did you type it with Franklin halfway down your throat? It's a jumbled mess.

It is two separate articles copy and pasted. What is not to understand, it is very simple and straight forward. An if FIU or FAU get a wild hair up their *** and decide to get in bed with a major SEC school to host camps together could become a big problem for Miami.

Imagine Saban and his staff co-hosting a 8 site camp series tour at the major high schools throughout Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties. Or God for bid Urban Meyer were to do this.

Go Canes
FIU and FAU are not FBS schools so they will not do it. I believe Jacksonville U is however so possibly a school from up a north looking to get into the Jax market would consider it.

This said, I don't see this catching and if it does, NCAA will change the rules more than likely...

Can't tell if this is a troll...?

If you meant FCS you're still wrong. Nowhere in the article does it say the partner school needs to be an FCS school, plus Georgia St. is in the SunBelt and fully completing reclassification this year or next, I believe.
And what would you like ANY COACH EVER at Miami to do about it?

If Golden started to do this outside of SFL, half the board, the race baiting community and the street agents would be *****ing he is selling out SFL for the outsiders.
This is a loophole in a current NCAA rule to stop exactly what PSU is doing. They will close it by this time next year.
This is a loophole in a current NCAA rule to stop exactly what PSU is doing. They will close it by this time next year.

They are under sanctions and still giving the NCAA the double middle finger by doing these camps and playing a game in flipping Ireland. An I wouldn't be surprised to see them try an add 1 more game to the UCF series and play a game in Orlando at the Citrus bowl as a neutral site game to end the year essentially giving them a bowl game in Orlando to end the year for the 2015 season.

Miami needs to start finding some ncaa loop wholes to admit some of these borderline academic kids.

Go Canes
This is a loophole in a current NCAA rule to stop exactly what PSU is doing. They will close it by this time next year.

They are under sanctions and still giving the NCAA the double middle finger by doing these camps and playing a game in flipping Ireland. An I wouldn't be surprised to see them try an add 1 more game to the UCF series and play a game in Orlando at the Citrus bowl as a neutral site game to end the year essentially giving them a bowl game in Orlando to end the year for the 2015 season.

Miami school districts, coaches and parents need to start finding some ways to improve education to help some of these borderline academic kids.

Go Canes

Sorry, I can't understand any of this. Did you type it with Franklin halfway down your throat? It's a jumbled mess.

It is two separate articles copy and pasted. What is not to understand, it is very simple and straight forward. An if FIU or FAU get a wild hair up their *** and decide to get in bed with a major SEC school to host camps together could become a big problem for Miami.

Imagine Saban and his staff co-hosting a 8 site camp series tour at the major high schools throughout Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties. Or God for bid Urban Meyer were to do this.

Go Canes

Yeah, Alabama and Ohio state might start pulling some kids down here. Oh wait...
so.........................When's our camp in Jersey.?

actually they are FBS schools and have been for the past few years
FIU and FAU are not FBS schools so they will not do it. I believe Jacksonville U is however so possibly a school from up a north looking to get into the Jax market would consider it.

This said, I don't see this catching and if it does, NCAA will change the rules more than likely...

Sorry, I can't understand any of this. Did you type it with Franklin halfway down your throat? It's a jumbled mess.

It is two separate articles copy and pasted. What is not to understand, it is very simple and straight forward. An if FIU or FAU get a wild hair up their *** and decide to get in bed with a major SEC school to host camps together could become a big problem for Miami.

Imagine Saban and his staff co-hosting a 8 site camp series tour at the major high schools throughout Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties. Or God for bid Urban Meyer were to do this.

Go Canes
Pretty smart by Franklin and good post by DBC. Franklin is the guy who went to talk to one of his former Vandy players' rape victims, right after she was raped, and tried to get her to set up a group of recruiting hostesses. Guy's got balls.
So let me get this straight. AG has a camp series with FIU and FAU, but its a great idea if Franklin does it? Also, it sounds like your A) Scared of the SEC schools doing what they already do, recruit the sheeeit out of SoFla, and B) Jealous that this guy came up with the idea. When, we don't have to do that, as we are the school with the location advantage, and I think AG has done numerous events/camps to connect with our local coaches and recruits.

However, the foothold of the AAU football coaches, our lack of success, and the lower grade standards of the state schools have got us pretty far behind the 8 ball. But I think we are battling out of the hole.

But hey thats just my opinion.....
Golden does a bunch in the summer and his are cheap as well. One of the first things he implemented. He also ran a camp for high school coaches. Not only is he getting to see kids up close and personal to evaluate he is also trying to get in good with HS coaches. Golden is a smart man. I truly believe if Coach D doesn't get our D up to speed this year he will ax him. Golden gets a pass by me for the first 3 years. We all know why and now it's time to put up. I'm not saying we need to win 10 games this year. I want to see an identity in O and D and not get butt ****ed by top end teams.
Last two were good posts. We've still got a built in advantage being in South Florida. We've lost some important recruits, but we'll get back to dominating recruiting down here.