Potential Transfer Portal Nominees…

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And the potential transfer nominees are
1. Cody Brown (RB room requires speed he doesn’t possess and it’s getting more crowded with Baxter’s name floating around.)

2. Dazelin Worsham (Anyone who’s been reading my comments know I’ve said he was a perfect transfer candidate the day he committed. I just don’t see it.)

3. Payton Matocha (What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained.)

4. Cleveland Reed (He’s just not getting it. He had his name in the transfer portal once before, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again. Especially if Miami were to pick up another good size OL.)

Anyone else I’m missing?
I gave my take on Daz above.

People been throwing dirt on Cody Browns grave for 3 months now. He is one Thad Franklin injury or "Thad lost focus and came in out of shape from summer AGAIN" away from being our only "big, bruiser" style RB. None of the other guys in that room can carry that load. If im him, I dont throw in the towel just yet. I love Thad but he hasnt proven he can be trusted based on last season.
I don’t believe the staff would ever pull a scholly or force a kid to leave, but kids wanna play and with the way it’s looking there are kids who will never get that chance at Miami.
And the potential transfer nominees are
1. Cody Brown (RB room requires speed he doesn’t possess and it’s getting more crowded with Baxter’s name floating around.)

2. Dazelin Worsham (Anyone who’s been reading my comments know I’ve said he was a perfect transfer candidate the day he committed. I just don’t see it.)

3. Payton Matocha (What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained.)

4. Cleveland Reed (He’s just not getting it. He had his name in the transfer portal once before, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again. Especially if Miami were to pick up another good size OL.)

Anyone else I’m missing?
***** you with this ****

Some of these kids should/ will transfer... but they are kids. This is a BS post
GIFs by @cackhanded — Buh-bye, a GIF from Bring it On
If Matocha was going to transfer, he would have already done so last season. He’s already the oldest scholarship QB on the roster. He got passed on the depth chart when TVD signed to come here two years ago. He’s likely going to finish his (free) undergrad degree at UM and if he has an itch to get playing time somewhere, grad transfer to a G5 or FCS program. UM was by far his best offer out of high school and I don’t think he came here with the intention of being the top guy. Some dudes just want a good place to go to school and don’t have delusions of playing professionally. There’s worse things in life than getting a free private school education in Miami.
And the potential transfer nominees are
1. Cody Brown (RB room requires speed he doesn’t possess and it’s getting more crowded with Baxter’s name floating around.)

2. Dazelin Worsham (Anyone who’s been reading my comments know I’ve said he was a perfect transfer candidate the day he committed. I just don’t see it.)

3. Payton Matocha (What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained.)

4. Cleveland Reed (He’s just not getting it. He had his name in the transfer portal once before, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again. Especially if Miami were to pick up another good size OL.)

Anyone else I’m missing?
Should be banned for post like this.
There is definitely a space for a list like this..but AFTER Spring ball has concluded and we start seeing Andrew Rodgers start to earn his paycheck and look for portal kids post Spring...then we will have an idea of who should be looking around at other college options..(I.E., if Mario starts courting a 2nd CB we know a guy like Ivey is on the clock) . Doing this list now is very premature.
And the potential transfer nominees are
1. Cody Brown (RB room requires speed he doesn’t possess and it’s getting more crowded with Baxter’s name floating around.)

2. Dazelin Worsham (Anyone who’s been reading my comments know I’ve said he was a perfect transfer candidate the day he committed. I just don’t see it.)

3. Payton Matocha (What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained.)

4. Cleveland Reed (He’s just not getting it. He had his name in the transfer portal once before, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again. Especially if Miami were to pick up another good size OL.)

Anyone else I’m missing?

I will never understand the mentality of a fan posting a thread like this.

Are they already in the portal? Go at it. Fair game.
A thread about recruiting numbers and part of your argument for bringing in more recruits at a spot is you think a guy might bounce? That's fine, too.
Social media rumors and grumblings posted by players suggesting they're unhappy or looking elsewhere? That's certainly newsworthy.

But just a straight list of OP's top "nominees" to hit the portal this off-season... what's the point of that?
I will never understand the mentality of a fan posting a thread like this.

Are they already in the portal? Go at it. Fair game.
A thread about recruiting numbers and part of your argument for bringing in more recruits at a spot is you think a guy might bounce? That's fine, too.
Social media rumors and grumblings posted by players suggesting they're unhappy or looking elsewhere? That's certainly newsworthy.

But just a straight list of OP's top "nominees" to hit the portal this off-season... what's the point of that?

I chalk it up to pent up frustration for being mediocre for so many years, and the desire to see a more talented roster. I think we can all agree we're still a long way from our champinship teams talent-wise, and that spills over into looking at who isn't contributing. It's just fans being excessively (stupidly) vocal and inconsiderate about the players and parents who read this stuff.

I'm guilty. I've openly criticized kids and called them JAGS. I've openly said guys like Tre Johnson and Zack Dykstra had no business being on the team.. It's obviously more constructive to talk about who you'd like to be on the team and who needs to take the next step in their development. But it's hard not to be critical of a 7-5 team that lost to a horrifically bad FSU, and have it spill over some time into player evals.

I'm not excusing it. It is crass. Even Zack Dykstra or everyone's favorite Bar Milo did more than 99.9% of the posters on here for the program. But you can't deny every single fan thinks about this. Most just have more tact than some of us morans.

btw, how awesome is it to hear good things about kids like Worsham and Haye who were thought to be buried deep on the depth chart? We've had the highest ranked classes in the ACC ater Clemson over the past 5 years, so I am sitting back and seeing what these coaches can do with these kids. I still think we need several portalers to have a strong team this season. But I'm super hopeful the staff unleashes the talent of some of these guys who Manny failed.
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