
Nov 6, 2011
It doesn't look good folks, I'm about to walk out on the porch and drink a fifth of henn straight outta the bottle... ****
A lot of miscues and bad plays.

But despite all that, they couldn't block for one f*cking Pat

Even despite all the ***** ups. We lost the game on one play. I'm in shock
a ******* extra point... The defense held up for most of the game but didn't get any help from O
(Disclaimer) I have been consuming alcoholic beverages since 11am (cst)

Where the fackkk is our offensive plan? All the Bs about not opening the playbook until this game? You mean the 3-4 yd drop passes that no one would catch? Was that the big faaaackaang secret?

We did not call a run play until the 2 minute mark in the first quarter! -- the bread and butter of our offense until this game. And please don't tell me the run game wasn't there because we were gashing them for 6 to 7 yds per carry. Not to mention the bs holding call 50 yds from the play.

Call me out if I'm wrong...just help me make some sense of this!!!!!
I feel bad for Mark Walton... Every time he has a big run it gets called back.. I bet Mark has the record for most long runs called back
It's not that we lost; it's how we lost. After that 'targeting' penalty, it lit a fire in our fans and our players. Berrios makes a great return, we get a TD and..

We lose because of a extra point. Not a field goal, a lousy extra point.

It's just a shame. Maybe they get us in OT, maybe they don't.

But to lose on such bull**** is more disappointing than anything else.

I'm 30, and I haven't seen us beat the Miles since I was 23. That hits me right in the gut man.

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Never have I taken a game more to the heart than this one. Beer won't help. On my 15th and I can't believe we went out like this. Nothing will cure this. To me this was bigger than the coastal, being ranked, or a playoff birth. This was the statement that we needed. I am hurt dawg. I will stay hurt for a long while. An extra point man.... **** flying a banner... **** doing anything... I just don't care about nothing right now. We should have won, and I feel for our guys... This **** hurts