Portal needs


Mar 13, 2018
As we await the announcement of a new AD and coaching staff shortly thereafter, figured let's get organized as it comes to our portal needs as they'll be major considering it looks like we'd be lucky to finish with even 12 high school prospects for 2022:

Wide receiver- 1
O line- 2 or 3, need one tackle and one guard minimum.
D line- 2, impact d end is crucial and a top need and maybe another d tackle for depth.
Linebacker- immediate starter at MLB needed and another high upside outside backer at minimum. Add a 3rd if we go back to a base 4-3 or move to a 3-3-5.
Corner- one if Rique stays and two if he leaves

This puts our portal needs somewhere within 8-12 overall additions pending on who we retain in 2022 class and draft decisions from eligible entries as well as possible defections of our own current players into the portal.
1 WR, speed guy to replace rambo
2 OL, a RT and one OG
3 DL, two edge rushers and a massive DT run stopper
1 MLB, a dominant guy
2 CBs, 2 and 7 are physical but not fast enough. 28 and 23 are not physical enough. Need long and fast CBs.
1 WR, speed guy to replace rambo
2 OL, a RT and one OG
3 DL, two edge rushers and a massive DT run stopper
1 MLB, a dominant guy
2 CBs, 2 and 7 are physical but not fast enough. 28 and 23 are not physical enough. Need long and fast CBs.
I would add a 2nd linebacker but overall I agree with you. We'll also see if Blades comes back at corner and if the new staff views Dunson as a corner or safety.