Phone call today

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Yeah, Dee’s DSJ. Clueless loser taking shots because you’re consumed with envy. I’ll send some more feed from Southern States to the barn for your pig wife and pig children in the morning. We need more fodder for the bulls. Are they corn fed are do they just need a little hay and mud and eat whatever shît the neighbors throw out?
All these Faqquits talkin **** makes me Laugh....I guarantee not one of them would come out their mouths like that in person...
@caneinorlando is this the dude who was calling you out of your name yesterday over photos of us all? Either way north Florida cane some of us got far better things to do with our lives than play games over a stupid *** message board... you might wanna reevaluate your life choices if you waste energy like that... Far better things to do with my life than that bruh... you have a great day though. Some people simply get institutionalized and refuse to snap out of it.

you are white!?!? It’s like when I found out DMoney was white. Completely shocked
You need to remember to get your wife and kids out of the barn tonight. If you oversleep the butcher will accidentally cart them away for slaughter in the morning. That’s what they do with pigs. They’re not pets to everyone.
Are pigs one of your new autistic obsessions?
DMoney is that you?
LMAO. All this posing and arguing over ‘changes to the offense’ none of us know anything about.
@dsddcane NEVER said Enos was getting fired.....Stop it.....He said Changes are forthcoming....
If UM and Manny keeps Enos at $1.5mm to essentially be a QB coach and brings in someone else to call plays they are beyond stupid and I hope they go 0-12 in 2020
Until he does it I'm not buying it.
Even if he does its not enough to keep the chsnges to the offense...better see somenon defense too.
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