Peter O'Brien has a broken bone in his hand

Our team can't even execute fundamental plays on defense. Been like this for 3 or 4 years. We are losing games to bad teams. If this is acceptable to you why are you a fan?
Our team can't even execute fundamental plays on defense. Been like this for 3 or 4 years. We are losing games to bad teams. If this is acceptable to you why are you a fan?

all of this

its ******* ridiculous............that some people......i refuse to refer to them as fans.........dont find any problem with whats going been going on with this program........but then again......those are also the same idiots who blindly supported coker and shantard despite there being more than enough proof that neither one was cut out to be a head coach.......and they would browbeat anybody who dared to speak the truth about those 2 incompetent *****
The "Put the leadoff runner on base, make errors, allow extra bases and give up 0-2 hits IF you can't start every count 2-0" is an outmoded defensive strategy. Yet Morris persists with it.
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