OT: Thurman vs. Garcia


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Jan 25, 2017
Who wins this contest tomorrow night fellas and why?

PREDICTION: 'One Time' Thurman by TKO. Danny hasn't faced opposition this tough and his chin will get tested.
I'm pulling for thurman, i can't stand Garcia's dad and his trash talk. its tough one to call but i think thurman will get the decision by landing more power punches and will probably drop garcia at some point
Thurman is repping st. pete/ Tampa area, he has the same trainer as winky wright and jeff lacy had
This is going to be a good one, so i'm looking forward to it. Also look out for Erickson Lubin, on the undercard. Kids a talent
If we are gonna be spammed with OT threads all ******* day long why not just bring the WEZ back and be done with it?
Who wins this contest tomorrow night fellas and why?

PREDICTION: 'One Time' Thurman by TKO. Danny hasn't faced opposition this tough and his chin will get tested.

If he can eat Lucas shots it's going to be tough to knock dsg out. If dsg can hurt him **** win but its hard to go against one time.....day is more technical n crisp and doesn't go wild. This a tough one to call man but its hard to pick against one time. Love dsg pops that ni99@ wild as **** lol.

I'm leaning on dsg because he fights best when he's the under dog.