OT: Personal: Anyone seen CANEFAN#1??? He owes me an apology

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Sounds like you should've pm'd said poster , not wasted time and energy posting this **** on the board.
Nothing but orange and green? Then why is this the second time you're publicly sucking off a rivals qb? I can't believe you're really on this board saying you're 'offended'... gtfoh.
You came here asking for an apology from another poster? Really?

This isn't gonna go well.
Before the season I told you Mitch Tribisky was a stud and for us not to sleep on them, I knew because my bro plays safety for Unc. You called me a "Unc troll" (lol)" and yeah I'm still offended by that. Nothing but orange n green here my man...



More than 75% of our fans on here annointed Sam Bruce the elite wr before he played a down and more than 90 percent here shi-T-d all over njoku cause he was a low offer 3star from jersey.

This is a tmz sports type place full of gossip queens and conspiracies about bag men.

Just enjoy and only trust Ariz
CANEFAN#1 just PM'ed me. He said you need to back off. He mentioned something about you dancing around like a Kansas City Faqgot.
I really need a terrible thread gif...something that conveys contempt at OP stupidity. Any ideas?
In before it's locked

Before the season I told you Mitch Tribisky was a stud and for us not to sleep on them, I knew because my bro plays safety for Unc. You called me a "Unc troll" (lol)" and yeah I'm still offended by that. Nothing but orange n green here my man...



More than 75% of our fans on here annointed Sam Bruce the elite wr before he played a down and more than 90 percent here shi-T-d all over njoku cause he was a low offer 3star from jersey.

This is a tmz sports type place full of gossip queens and conspiracies about bag men.

Just enjoy and only trust Ariz[/QUOTE

Ahhh yes, the mythical bag man.
Thank God we have you to keep us grounded in reality so that we don't fall for all of that unicorns and rainbow ****.
College football is clearly pure amateurism at its finest...no money to be made here by anyone.

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