OT: Peach Bowl

Darnell Washington is enormous, but he is not smooth in his movements. i wonder if his best money position isn't left tackle. He looks more like Eric Winston than Kellen Winslow, Jr. (Who was as fluid a tight end as I saw at UM).
Not a personal foul they say.

Some would call it completely undisciplined play by Georgia. Y'know, if they had a U on the side of their helmets.
Darnell Washington is enormous, but he is not smooth in his movements. i wonder if his best money position isn't left tackle. He looks more like Eric Winston than Kellen Winslow, Jr. (Who was as fluid a tight end as I saw at UM).
Dude got no route tree
UGA got Campbell and Stevenson starting at corner then got Brini in the mix too. But we here trotting out Blades and Ivey
I think that minimizes Cincy a little. Cincy looks well-coached so far.
Oh, I agree! Cincy is very well coached. I wouldn't mind taking a hard look at Luke if (when) CMD is given his walking papers. As long as he brings his DC with him. But I think the Jimmies and Joes here will be the deciding factor. The level of competition in the $EC is a lot better than what the Bearcats see in the AAC.
How in GOD’S HOLY NAME is there a Cincinnati Game Thread on this Board without anyone posting the famous Mark D’Onofrio flipping clipboard gif?
Oh, I agree! Cincy is very well coached. I wouldn't mind taking a hard look at Luke if (when) CMD is given his walking papers. As long as he brings his DC with him. But I think the Jimmies and Joes here will be the deciding factor. The level of competition in the $EC is a lot better than what the Bearcats see in the AAC.
Cincy looks like they’d be a good ACuCk team. I’m impressed; they’re not playing scared at all — even though the talent/size difference is obvious.