OT: Netflix ‘DARK’ - Any reviews?

We're in season 3. Loved season 1, season 2 dropped off a bit. Season 3 you really need to remember who everyone is.
Season 1 really draws you in, halfway through season 2 you realize you’re watching a soap opera. Haven’t tried season 3 yet, season 2 strayed so far from the original plot and you could see where the Netflix writers got their hands in the script, I just gave up hope on season 3
Love this show . I completely disagree with what someone else said on here about season 1 being better then 2. IMO Season 1 at times was very boring but the last 2 episodes of it really get great and all of season 2 is fantastic. I am starting on season 3 this weekend . I like it as it seems to play tighter with time travel rules ( like the movie Primer did for example ) . Time travel stuff is either really good or really bad IMO as it is such an intrinsically complicated subject that many writers and directors just give up trying to keep the timey whimey stuff straight but Dark does and thus it can be a hard show to follow unless you are really paying attention. I would recommend it but only if you like that kind of stuff .
Not if you can't get past it. I stopped noticing after the first couple of episodes. It's good, but not worth forcing yourself to be annoyed to watch it.

Can you put on subtitles and turn off the voice over? I'd rather read the lines. Can't stand voice overs.
Then you wouldn't like this. The voices don't really match the people. When you see the face, you'd never imagine they sound like that.

tenor (73).gif

Sounds like a movie my wife was watching the other day. Portuguese movie with voice over. It sounded like she was watching Saturday morning cartoons.
Has anyone on here watched the Netflix sci-fi series ‘Dark’? Any reviews?
Absolutely an amazing show! I stumbled on it in 2018 and it is the deepest mind boggling show I’ve ever seen period. But when you watch it, you really have to pay attention because you’ll get lost in the maze so to speak. Lol
I watched it in German and read English subtitles, found it better that way
Agreed. My wife watches Ertegrul, and I swear if it had voice overs it would be intolerable. I far prefer subtitles over voiceovers. It makes it easier for me to tune out if I'm in the room and not watching.