OT: Is the SEC West proving that they are average?


Redshirt Freshman
Mar 12, 2012
Thus far it seems that the, as every TV announcer has stated, ultra competitive SEC west is just average like everyone else.
With LSU losing to an average Notre Dame team, Ole Miss getting blown out by TCU, TAMU barely squeaking by an average West Virginia team, and so far the exception an Arkansas team that blew the doors off a way then below average Texas team, is it fair to tray that the rankings put forth by the ivory towers pumped up this division falsely?
We'll see how Mississippi St does against Georgia Tech and Alabama vs. Ohio State to fully gauge it but if I were to predict it be more of the same, either they squeak by or lose handily.
Didn't the same Ole Miss that beat Bama get throttled today by TCU? I'm starting to think Bama might be a paper tiger.
Yet another reason Bammer can't win the title again. It allows average SEC teams to be highly ranked or catapult up the polls for no reason & the upper echelon teams in the conference get to pad their resume. The cycle never ends.
I hope the ducks take it. That way everyone can shove it up thier *** about this amazing sec!!!! omgz!!!! Week 11 or 12 the SEC got smoked by the ACC Ga Tech beat GA, Clemson beat USC, Louisville beat Kentucky, Free Shoes beat UF (and Auburn last year in the MNC). I know most of those are SEC East teams but it shows they aren't as big and bad as everyone thinks. LSU beat by ND starting a schit QB wow, how about Ole Miss getting blasted today. Yeah they are average as a whole conference, they have elite teams but their bulk of the conference is no scarier or tougher than the big 12 or pac 12
It'll be interesting to see the W-L columns of the Power 5 conferences against one another, with margin of victory on each respective league would really make a good fodder for arguement.
Bowl games aren't great indicators to use. Too many variables go into bowl games that dont exist during the season.
when the sec wins big bowl games they just continue to pound the point and brag about dominance they dont mention variables then
Loved it when Bo Wallace huddled the troops before the half and gave the "we are the SEC.....lets go out there and show them..." rah rah speech. He then proceeded to throw a pick 6. I love seeing these so called "giants" brought back to reality.

I am with pumba...I am rooting for the ducks to win it all. That keeps famous J from another title, keeps urban lier and nick saten out of it. and more importantly puts to rest the "SEC has won the past blah blah blah" ****

Go Ducks
Why should TCU be in the playoff? They weren't even close to winning the B12?

New system. The Five Power Conference Champions and one at large (from a non Power Five) in a 6 team playoff. Then we can go back to teams playing OOC opponents, etc.
ESPN should go die. Ole Miss blows and ESPN 's proped up SEC rankings are a horrible joke. Starting to question if Alabama even belongs in the final four. OSU definitely does not deserve to be there.

It doesn't matter what conference wins or loses, bowls are just a bad way to calculate a conferences strength.
The Mighty SEC yall. too bad Grohlden folded to one of its worst teams smh.
This sec rah rah is like how our team was in the late 00s just puffed up chests getting destroyed